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Gigantochloa atter Ti, Sidomulyo, Sidorejo, Magetan | |
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Spésiés: | G. atter
Ngaran binomial | |
Gigantochloa atter | |
Sinonim | |
Sumber: The Plant List[5] |
Awi temen, Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro
Kulawarga: Poaceae
Ngaran lokal: awi andong, awi gombong; bambu ater; pring legi (Jawa), pereng keles (Madura), kayali (Pilipina).
Sebaran géograpis: Jawa, Pilipina, Brunéi, Semenanjung Malaysia
Mangpaat: pikeun furnitur, ranjang, parabot masak, tusuk saté, copstik, tusuk gigi, jeung hastakarya. Dipaké ogé pikeun ubar tradisional, dahareun, jeung bahan wangunan.
Bentuk hirup jeung asal-usul: awi, tangkal éksotik, dipelak.
[édit | édit sumber]- Priyadi et al (2010). Five hundred plant species in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java: a checklist including Sundanese names, distribution and use. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonésia. ISBN 978-602-8693-22-6
Artikel ieu mangrupa taratas, perlu disampurnakeun. Upami sadérék uninga langkung paos perkawis ieu, dihaturan kanggo ngalengkepan. |
- ↑ Kurz, S. 1864. "Korte schets der vegetatie van het eiland Bangka." Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië Deel 27: 226. Batavia :Lange [1851-...]
- ↑ Colonel Munro. 1868. "A monograph of the Bambusaceae, including descriptions of all of the species." Transactions of the Linnean Society of London vol. 26: 125. London :[The Society], 1791-1875.
- ↑ Ohrnberger, D. 1999. The Bamboos of the World: Annotated Nomenclature and Literature of the Species and the Higher and Lower Taxa: 297-8 Amsterdam :Elsevier.
- ↑ Hasskarl, J.K. 1848. Plantae javanicae rariores, adjectis nonnullis exoticis, in Javae hortis cultis descriptae: 41. Berolini :Sumptibus A. Foerstner.
- ↑ The Plant List: Gigantochloa atter (Hassk.) Kurz