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D4 Video connector

This example is not factual - it is purely illustrative of the infobox.

Tipe Analogue video connector
Sajarah produksi
Disainer Some guy
Didisain Early 1990s
Pabrik Initially Toshiba
Diproduksi Early 1990s to 2005
Diganti RF connector
Diganti ku DVI connector (2005)
Panjang 36 mm (typical)
Lébar 25 mm
Luhur 6.5 mm
Kamampuan hot plug Yes
Éksternal External
Listrik 220 volts AC 50 Hz typically
Bumi Dedicate pin
Tegangan maks 450 volts peak
Arus maks 20 amps at 220 volts, 5 amps at 400 volts
Sinyal audio None
Sinyal video Analogue 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i
Sinyal data Resolution and Aspect ratio only
Rubak 2 bits
Rubak pita 120 bps
Pakakas maks 1
Protokol Serial
Kabel 14 core sheilded (25 m max)
Suku 14 (6 video, 3 reserved, 2 detect, 3 data)
Konéktor DB-25
Pin kaluar

A male connector seen from the front.
Spec name Example col title
Pin 1 Y luminance (0.7 V, 75 ohms)
Pin 2 Y GND Y ground
Pin 3 Pb 0.35 V, 75 ohms
Pin 4 Pb GND
Pin 5 Pr 0.35 V, 75 ohms
Pin 6 Pr GND
Pin 7 Reserve link 1
Pin 8 Data line 1 0V = 525 lines
2.2V = 750 lines
5V = 1125 lines
Pin 9 Data line 2 0V = 59.94i / 60i
5V = 59.94p / 60p
Pin 10 Reserve link 2
Pin 11 Data line 3 0V = 4:3
2.2V = 4:3 letterbox
5V = 16:9
Pin 12 Plug insert detect ground
Pin 13 Reserve link 3
Pin 14 Plug insert detect output 10 k ohms, input > 100k ohms
Hooks GND Shell ground
These are some notes about the pinout of this connector. The pins are razor sharp.

Connector Infobox is an infobox for electrical and (audio/video) signal connectors of all kinds.

The template supports 3 images:

  • image, logo, pinout_image

Image and logo share a 300px wide area - so if both are used then the width of the image should be set to 150px i.e. [[Image:example.jpg|150px]]. If only image and pinout are used, then the size of both should be 300px.

Parameters and usage

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{{Kotakinfo konektor