Multimedia Home Platform: Béda antarrépisi

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== Tehnologi ==
== Tehnologi ==
[[Image:MHP-software stack english.png|frame|right|MHP software [[stack]]]]
[[Image:MHP-software stack english.png|frame|right|[[Stack]] software MHP]]
MHP nangtukeun hiji lingkungan eksekusi aplikasi ekstensif keur TV interaktif digital, nu henteu kawates ku poko, vendor nu husus, hadwér katut sofwérna. Lingkungan eksekusi ieu dumasar kana dipakena [[mesin virtual]] [[platform Java|Java]] sarta definisi API nu umumnu nyadiakeun akses keur sumber jeung fasilitas [[terminal komputer|terminal]] TV digital interaktif. Aplikasi MHP nu bisa diinteroperasi lumaku dina punclut API ieu. Nu katelah aplikasi Navigator, nu mangrupakeun bagean tina sofwer terminal, ngidinan pamake pikeun ngakses sakabeh aplikasi MHP sarta jasa DVB lianna (kayaning TV jeung radio).
The MHP specifies an extensive application execution environment for digital interactive TV, independent of the underlying, vendor-specific, hardware and software. This execution environment is based on the use of a [[Java platform|Java]] [[virtual machine]] and the definition of generic APIs that provide access to the interactive digital TV [[Computer terminal|terminal]]'s typical resources and facilities. The interoperable MHP applications are running on top of these APIs. A so-called Navigator-application, which is part of the terminal software, allows the user the access to all MHP applications and other DVB services (like TV and radio).

The MHP is just a part of a family of specifications, which all base on the [[Globally Executable MHP]] (GEM)-Standard, which was defined to allow the world-wide adoption of MHP.
MHP ukur mangrupakeun bagean tina hiji kulawarga spesifikasi, nu sakabehna dumasar kana Standar [[Globally Executable MHP]] (GEM), nu ditaetepkeun pikeun ngidinan ''world-wide adoption'' keur MHP.

== DVB-HTML ==
== DVB-HTML ==

Révisi nurutkeun 27 Désémber 2007 12.30

Multimedia Home Platform (DVB-MHP) nyaeta hiji standar sistim middleware bebas nu dirancang ku proyek DVB keur televisi digital interaktif. MHP ngidinan ditarima jeung dijalankeunnana aplikasi dumasar Java interaktif dina hiji set TV. Aplikasi TV interaktif bisa dikirim kana saluran siaran, babarengan jeung stream audio katut video. Aplikasi ieu contona bisa mangrupa jasa informasi, game, voting interaktif, surelek, SMS atawa keur balanja. Keur sakabeh aplikasi interaktif diperlukeun hiji saluran tambahan keur balik deui.


Dina tengah taun 2005 DVB-MHP kacida sumebarna di Itali (DVB-T) jeung Korea (ATSC), sarta ujicoba atawa nyebar saeutik di Jerman, Finlandia, Spanyol, Austria jeung Australia. Industri kabel AS geus nangtukeun sistim middlewarena sorangan nu katelah OCAP, nu dumasar kana MHP. Kiwari, provider kabel panggedena di Belgia, Telenet ngaluarkeun sistim DVB-MHP, nu disebut DigiBox. Jaringan TV terestrial nu bakal datang di Norwegia, NTV bakal make standar DVB-MHP oge.


Stack software MHP

MHP nangtukeun hiji lingkungan eksekusi aplikasi ekstensif keur TV interaktif digital, nu henteu kawates ku poko, vendor nu husus, hadwér katut sofwérna. Lingkungan eksekusi ieu dumasar kana dipakena mesin virtual Java sarta definisi API nu umumnu nyadiakeun akses keur sumber jeung fasilitas terminal TV digital interaktif. Aplikasi MHP nu bisa diinteroperasi lumaku dina punclut API ieu. Nu katelah aplikasi Navigator, nu mangrupakeun bagean tina sofwer terminal, ngidinan pamake pikeun ngakses sakabeh aplikasi MHP sarta jasa DVB lianna (kayaning TV jeung radio).

MHP ukur mangrupakeun bagean tina hiji kulawarga spesifikasi, nu sakabehna dumasar kana Standar Globally Executable MHP (GEM), nu ditaetepkeun pikeun ngidinan world-wide adoption keur MHP.


 Artikel utama: DVB-HTML.

MHP applications come in two flavours. The first type are DVB-HTML applications. These are not very popular, partly because the specification for DVB-HTML was only completed with MHP 1.1, and partly because many broadcasters, box manufacturers and content developers find it too complex and difficult to implement. DVB-HTML applications are a set of HTML pages that are broadcast as part of a service. The spec is based around a modularized version of XHTML 1.1, and also includes CSS 2.0, DOM 2.0, and ECMAScript.


The second, and by far the most popular flavour is DVB-J (DVB-Java) applications. These are written in Java using the MHP API set and consist of a set of class files that are broadcast with a service. DVB-Java applications are known as "Xlets". These are a concept similar to applets for Web pages that has been introduced by Sun in the JavaTV specification. Like applets, the xlet interface allows an external source (the application manager in the case of an MHP receiver) to start and stop an application.

Return channel

The MHP set-top boxes may provide a backchannel for applications that wish to communicate with the outside world, for example a voting or shopping application. Typical upstream backchannels are phone line or broadband Internet connection (ADSL, using a simple ADSL modem included in the set-top box). DVB-RCT (Return Channel Terrestrial) is a wireless technology utilizing the DVB infrastructure. It provides a VHF/UHF Wireless Return Channel back to the broadcaster for Interactive Terrestrial TV. It provides a data-rate of several kbit/s per user, for voting, polls, email, teleshopping, etc.

This is the difference with zapper set-top boxes.

Tempo oge


  • Ulrich Reimers: DVB, The Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting, Second Edition, 2005, ISBN 3-540-43545-X (chapter 14, MHP)

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