Klasifikasi ilmiah: Béda antarrépisi

Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
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Baris ka-258: Baris ka-258:
* [http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0000St.Luistitle.htm International Code of the Botanical Nomenclature (St. Louis Code) 2000]
* [http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0000St.Luistitle.htm International Code of the Botanical Nomenclature (St. Louis Code) 2000]
* [http://www.ohiou.edu/phylocode/ Phylocode]
* [http://www.ohiou.edu/phylocode/ Phylocode]
* [http://www.bio.pu.ru/win/entomol/KLUGE/zoo-name.htm Principles of Nomenclature Zoological taxa]
* [http://www.insecta.bio.pu.ru/zoo-name.htm Principles of Nomenclature Zoological taxa]
* [http://www.omne-vivum.com Classification of all living things, with many pictures]
* [http://www.omne-vivum.com Classification of all living things, with many pictures]
* [http://species.wikipedia.org Wikispecies: a directory of life]
* [http://species.wikipedia.org Wikispecies: a directory of life]
* Pikeun klasifikasi sasatoan sacara kladistik: [http://anthro.palomar.edu/animal/default.htm Classification of living things]
* Pikeun klasifikasi sasatoan sacara kladistik: [http://anthro.palomar.edu/animal/default.htm Classification of living things]
* Pikeun jéntréna ngeunaan sajarah klasifikasi serangga, baca [http://www.bio.pu.ru/win/entomol/KLUGE/nom/-nom-F.htm Nomina Circumscribentia Insectorum].
* Pikeun jéntréna ngeunaan sajarah klasifikasi serangga, baca [http://www.insecta.bio.pu.ru/nom/ Nomina Circumscribentia Insectorum].

Révisi nurutkeun 17 Oktober 2008 14.58

Klasifikasi ilmiah (Ing. scientific classification) atawa klasifikasi biologis hartina tata kelompok spésiés organisme, boh nu aya kénéh atawa nu geus lastari. Klasifikasi modéren didasarkeun kana karya Carolus Linnaeus, nu ngagolongkeun spésiés dumasar kamiripan ciri fisikna. Tata golongan ieu geus diropéa sangkan leuwih tukuh jeung prinsip-prinsip Darwin, nu salajengna diropéa deui dumasar sistimatika molekulér nu migunakeun data runtuyan DNA. Klasifikasi ilmiah kaasup kana élmu taksonomi atawa sistimatika biologis.

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