Sierra Leone: Béda antarrépisi

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Révisi nurutkeun 13 Nopémber 2010 22.05

Republic of Sierra Leone
Bandéra Sierra Leone
"Unity - Freedom - Justice"
High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free
Location of Sierra Leone
Location of Sierra Leone
Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
8°31′N 13°15′W
Basa resmi Inggris
Démonim Sierra Leonean
Pamaréntah Républik
 -  Présidén Ahmad Tejan Kabbah
 -  ti United Kingdom 27 April 1961 
 -  Total 71,740 km² (ka-119)
27,699 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 1.0
 -  Perkiraan  Juli 2007 6,144,562 (ka-1031)
 -  Sénsus 2000 5,426,618 
 -  Kapadetan 83 /km² (ka-1141)
199 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2005
 -  Total $4.921 miliar (ka-151)
 -  Per kapita $903 (ka-172)
HDI (2004) 0.335 (handap) (ka-176)
Mata uang Leone (SLL)
Zona wanci GMT (UTC+0)
TLD Internét .sl
Kode telepon +232
1 Rengking dumasar 2007.

Sierra Leone, ngaran resmina Republic of Sierra Leone, mangrupakeun nagara di Afrika Kulon. Nagara ieu wawatesan jeung Gini di beh kaler sarta Liberia di kiduleunnana, kalayan Samudra Atlantik di beh kulonna. Ngaran Sierra Leone dicokot tina ngaran dina Basa Portugis keur nagara ieu: Serra Leoa. Hartina "Lion Mountain Range". Salila taun 1700-an Sierra Leone mangrupakeun puseur penting perdagangan transatlantik keur urang Afrika nu jadi budak. Ibu kota Freetown ngadeg taun 1787 (meunang piagemna taun 1792) ku Pausahaan Sierra Leone minangka salasahiji tempat keur urang Afrika nu jadi budak nu geus ngalawan Britania samangsa Perang Kamerdikaan Amérika. Taun 1808, Freetown jadi Jajahan Makuta (Crown Colony) Britania, sarta taun 1896, jero nagara jadi Protéktorat Britania. Crown Colony jeung Protektorat ngahiji sarta meunang kamerdikaan taun 1961. Ti taun 1991 nepi ka 2002, nagara ieu katarajang pangaruh serangan nu baruntak nu ngancurkeunnana. Keur mungkas petana pemberontak, PBB jeung balad Britania melucuti 17,000 milisi jeung pemberontak, dina peta miara perdaméyan panggedena dina dekade harita. Rarata harepan hirup mangsa babar di Sierra Leone nyaeta 38 taun keur lalaki sarta 43 taun keur wanoja.[1]


 Artikel utama: Sajarah Sierra Leone.

Bibliografi - petingan

  1. Abraham, Arthur; Mende Government and Politics under Colonial Rule, Freetown and London, 1978.
  2. Abraham, Arthur, "Cultural Policy in Sierra Leone," UNESCO, c1978.
  3. Abraham, Arthur, "Sengbe Pieh: A Neglected Hero?", Journal of the Historical Society of Sierra Leone, II (2), 1978.
  4. Abraham, Arthur, "Topics in Sierra Leone History : A Counter-Colonial Interpretation," Leone Publishers [Sierra Leone], c.1976.
  5. Bah, M. Alpha, "Fulbe Migration in Sierra Leone: A Case History of Twentieth-Century Migration and Settlement Among the Kissi of Koindu," Peter Lang Publishing [New York], 1998.
  6. Berger, Daniel; In the Land of Magic Soldiers: A Story of White and Black in West Africa, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.
  7. Blyden, Nemata Amelia, "In Her Majesty's Service: West Indians in British Colonial Government, Sierra Leone, 1808-1880: Race, Class and Ethnicity in a British West African Colony."
  8. Clarke, J.I., Nelson, S.J.A. and Swindell, K.; Sierra Leone in Maps, London, 1966.
  9. Cole, Bernadette; Mass Media, Freedom And Democracy In Sierra Leone, Freetown, 1995,.
  10. Conteh-Morgan, Earl and Dixon-Fyle, Mac "Sierra Leone at the End of the Twentieth Century: History, Politics and Society", Peter Lang Publishing [New York], 1999.
  11. Cox-George, N. A., "Finance and Development in West Africa: The Sierra Leone Experience," D. Dobson [London], 1961.
  12. Foray, Cyril P., "Historical Dictionary of Sierra Leone," the Scarecrow Press [Metuchen, N.J. and London], 1977.
  13. Forna, Aminatta; The Devil that danced on the Water: A daughter’s memoir. London, 2002.
  14. Fyfe, Christopher, "A History of Sierra Leone," Cambridge University Press, 1962; Oxford University Press [London], 1962. (Reprint edition Gregg International Publications, 1993.)
  15. Fyle, Christopher; Sierra Leone Inheritance, London, 1964.
  16. Fyfe, Christopher, "Africanus Horton, 1835-1883 : West African Scientist and Patriot," Aldershot, Hampshire, 1992.
  17. Gberie, Lansana, Smillie, Ian and Hazleton, Ralph; The Heart of the Matter: Sierra Leone, Diamonds and Human Society“, A Study published by Partnership Africa Canada in January 2000.
  18. Global Witness, Conflict Diamonds, Possibilities for the Identification, Certification and Control of Diamonds, A briefing document by Global Witness June, 2000.
  19. Hirsch; John L; Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy , Lynne Rienner Pub (1. Dezember 2000).
  20. Jalloh, Alusine, "African Entrepreneurship: Muslim Fula Merchants in Sierra Leone (Monographs in International Studies, Africa Series, No. 71)," Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1999.
  21. Jalloh, S Balimo, Sierra Leone, Länderbericht, Bergisch Gladbach, 1991.
  22. Jalloh, S Balimo: (1) Conflicts, Resources and Social Instability in Subsahara Africa – The Sierra Leone Case; in Internationasles Afrikaforum, 37. Jg. 2/2001, Pages 166-180. (2) Subsahara Africa – Trade Expansion Through Countertrade, in: Internationales Afrikaforum, 31 Jahrgang, Heft 4/1995, S. 365 –374 (Article) und in: UNCTAD-Bulletin 1995: 365-375.
  23. Jones, Durosimi Eldred, Othellos Countrymen, Oxford University Press, 1965.
  24. Jones, Durosimi Eldred Eustace Palmer, African Litterature Today Africa World Press – London, 1995.
  25. Jones, Howard, "Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and its Impact on American Abolition, Law and Diplomacy," Oxford University Press [New York], 1986.
  26. Kabba, Muctaru, (Editor); Sierra Leonean Heroes, Fifty Great Men and Women who helped to Build Our Nation, Freetown, 1988.
  27. Koroma, Abdul K. Sierra Leone – The Agony of a Nation, Andromeda Publications, Freetown, 1996.
  28. Kpundeh, Sahr John, "Politics and Corruption in Africa: A Case Study of Sierra Leone," University Press of America [Lanham, Md.].
  29. Lewis, Damien, "Operation Certain Death - The Inside Story of the SAS'S Greatest Battle," Arrow Books, 2005.
  30. Nicol, Davidson, Regionalism and the New International Economic Order; UNITAR-CEESTEM-Club of Rome conference at the United Nations, Pergamon Press, 1981.
  31. William Reno, Corruption and State Politics in Sierra Leone, The African Studies Centre, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  32. Paul Richards; Fighting for the Rain Forest – War Youth & Resources in Sierra Leone, The International African Institute, James Currey Publishers, London, 1996.
  33. Sawyerr, Harry, "God, Ancestor or Creator? Aspects of Traditional Belief in Ghana, Nigeria & Sierra Leone," Harlow, Longmans, 1970.
  34. Turay, Harry; Land Tenure Systems in Sierra Leone, unpublished project report, Njala University College, 1980.
  35. H.L. van der Laan, The Sierra Leone Diamonds, An Economic Study covering the years 1952-1961, Oxford, 1965.
  36. Wyse, Akintola J.G. and Deveneaux, Gustav H.K.; The Sierra Leone-German connection, 1787-1987, An Overview, Published by The German Embassy in Freetown, 190093.
  37. Wyse, Akintola J. G., "H. C. Bankole-Bright and Politics in Colonial Sierra Leone, 1919-1958" (African Studies Series), Cambridge University Press [Cambridge, Eng. and New York], 1990.


  1. "Sierra Leone". The World Factbook. CIA. 15 Méi, 2007. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-17. 

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