Ucing: Béda antarrépisi

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Gumantung kana spésiésna, awak ucing beuratna 2,5 - 7 kg. Tapi, sababaraha spésiés budidaya, misalna ''[[Maine Coon]]'', bisa nepi ka 11,3 kg. Malah, mun parabna kaleuleuwihi mah beuratna bisa nepi ka 23 kg. Sabalikna, aya ogé ucing pangleutikna nu kungsi kalaporkeun beuratna kurang ti 1,8 kg<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.messybeast.com/dwarfcats.html |title=DWARF, MIDGET AND MINIATURE CATS |accessdate=2007-03-06}}</ref>.
Gumantung kana spésiésna, awak ucing beuratna 2,5 - 7 kg. Tapi, sababaraha spésiés budidaya, misalna ''[[Maine Coon]]'', bisa nepi ka 11,3 kg. Malah, mun parabna kaleuleuwihi mah beuratna bisa nepi ka 23 kg. Sabalikna, aya ogé ucing pangleutikna nu kungsi kalaporkeun beuratna kurang ti 1,8 kg<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.messybeast.com/dwarfcats.html |title=DWARF, MIDGET AND MINIATURE CATS |accessdate=2007-03-06}}</ref>.

Sakumaha mamalia lianna, ucing miboga tujuh [[cervical vertebrae]], tilu welas [[thoracic vertebrae]] (manusa boga salosin), tujuh [[lumbar vertebrae]] (manusa boga lima), tilu [[sacral vertebrae]] (manusa boga lima sabab bipedal), sarta 22/23 [[caudal vertebrae]] (manusa boga 3-5, ngahiji jadi [[coccyx]]).
Dina kabudayaan Sunda, aya babasan jeung paribasa nu ngandung kecap ucing saperti ''ngabudi ucing'', ''kawas ucing gering'', ''kawas ucing jeung anjing'', ''heunceut ucingeun''.

==Ucing dina kabudayaan Sunda==
Sakumaha mamalia lianna, ucing miboga tujuh [[cervical vertebrae]], tilu welas [[thoracic vertebrae]] (manusa boga salosin), tujuh [[lumbar vertebrae]] (manusa boga lima), tilu [[sacral vertebrae]] (manusa boga lima sabab bipedal), sarta 22/23 [[caudal vertebrae]] (manusa boga 3-5, ngahiji jadi [[coccyx]]). <!--The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's enhanced spinal mobility and flexibility, compared to humans; the caudal vertebrae form the tail, used by the cat for counterbalance to the body during quick movements.<ref>{{cite web | title=Cat Skeleton| url=http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/zoolab/Table_of_Contents/Lab-9b/Cat_Skeleton_1/cat_skeleton_1.htm |accessdate=2006-12-12}}</ref>
Dina kabudayaan Sunda, aya babasan jeung paribasa nu ngandung kecap ucing saperti ''ngabudi ucing'', ''kawas ucing gering'', ''kawas ucing jeung anjing'', ''heunceut ucingeun''.

<!--The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's enhanced spinal mobility and flexibility, compared to humans; the caudal vertebrae form the tail, used by the cat for counterbalance to the body during quick movements.<ref>{{cite web | title=Cat Skeleton| url=http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/zoolab/Table_of_Contents/Lab-9b/Cat_Skeleton_1/cat_skeleton_1.htm |accessdate=2006-12-12}}</ref>

Cats have highly specialized [[tooth|teeth]] and a [[gastrointestinal tract|digestive tract]] suitable to the digestion of meat. The [[premolar]] and [[Molar (tooth)|first molar]] together compose the [[carnassial]] pair on each side of the mouth, which efficiently functions to shear meat like a pair of [[scissors]]. While this is present in [[Canidae|canines]], it is highly developed in felines. The cat's [[tongue]] has sharp spines, or [[papillae]], useful for retaining and ripping flesh from a carcass. These papillae are small backward-facing hooks that contain [[keratin]] and assist in their grooming.
Cats have highly specialized [[tooth|teeth]] and a [[gastrointestinal tract|digestive tract]] suitable to the digestion of meat. The [[premolar]] and [[Molar (tooth)|first molar]] together compose the [[carnassial]] pair on each side of the mouth, which efficiently functions to shear meat like a pair of [[scissors]]. While this is present in [[Canidae|canines]], it is highly developed in felines. The cat's [[tongue]] has sharp spines, or [[papillae]], useful for retaining and ripping flesh from a carcass. These papillae are small backward-facing hooks that contain [[keratin]] and assist in their grooming.

Révisi nurutkeun 17 Agustus 2011 10.55

Status konservasi
Klasifikasi ilmiah
F. catus
Ngaran binomial
Felis catus
Linnaeus, 1758

Felis lybica invalid junior synonym

Ucing mangrupakeun mamalia karnivora leutik nu ilahar jadi sato ingon pikeun manusa, boh salaku sato cooeun atawa pikeun nyingsieunan beurit. Ieu sato geus dalit jeung manusa sahanteuna salila 9.500 taun[1].

Salaku prédator, ucing ngamangsa leuwih ti saréwu spésiés sasatoan pikeun kadaharanana.

Anatomi jeung morpologi

Gambaran anatomi ucing sacara umum

Gumantung kana spésiésna, awak ucing beuratna 2,5 - 7 kg. Tapi, sababaraha spésiés budidaya, misalna Maine Coon, bisa nepi ka 11,3 kg. Malah, mun parabna kaleuleuwihi mah beuratna bisa nepi ka 23 kg. Sabalikna, aya ogé ucing pangleutikna nu kungsi kalaporkeun beuratna kurang ti 1,8 kg[2].

Sakumaha mamalia lianna, ucing miboga tujuh cervical vertebrae, tilu welas thoracic vertebrae (manusa boga salosin), tujuh lumbar vertebrae (manusa boga lima), tilu sacral vertebrae (manusa boga lima sabab bipedal), sarta 22/23 caudal vertebrae (manusa boga 3-5, ngahiji jadi coccyx).

Ucing dina kabudayaan Sunda

Dina kabudayaan Sunda, aya babasan jeung paribasa nu ngandung kecap ucing saperti ngabudi ucing, kawas ucing gering, kawas ucing jeung anjing, heunceut ucingeun.


  1. "Oldest Known Pet Cat? 9500-Year-Old Burial Found on Cyprus". National Geographic News. 2004-04-08. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-06. 
  2. "DWARF, MIDGET AND MINIATURE CATS". Diakses tanggal 2007-03-06. 

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