Paku tihang beureum: Béda antarrépisi

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Révisi nurutkeun 18 Juni 2021 23.55

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Paku tihang beureum
Alsophila capensis
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Missing taxonomy template (fix): Alsophila (plant)
Unfurling frond of Alsophila dealbata (silver fern)

Paku tihang beureum  ; Alsophila nyaéta hiji tutuwuhan paku anu asalna tina kulawarga Cyatheaceae.[1] Éta ogé parantos dianggap bagéan tina genus Cyathea. Alsophila ayeuna dipisahkeun sareng genera anu sanés dina kulawarga Cyatheaceae utamina dumasar kana filogénetik molekular.[1]

Ciri mandiri

Spésiés Alsophila tangkalna ajeg kaluhur tur henteu mibanda dahan, ilaharna mingkin ka luhur tangkalna mingkin ngaleutikan. Palapah daunna baradag, kitu deui gagangna .[2]

Anu ngabédakeun Alsophila jeung Sphaeropteris tayalian ukuran gagangna, sareng rambut apikal atanapi tulang tonggong (seta), teu sapertos Cyathea. Hiasan spora ogé ngabédakeun Alsophila sareng Cyathea .[3][4]


Genus Alsophila mimiti diguar ku Robert Brown in 1810.[5] Éta ditempatkeun di kulawarga Cyatheaceae.[1] Babagian kulawarga turta genera parantos ngagaduhan sejarah anu panjang sareng parobahan/kontroversial.[4] Tilu atanapi opat clade diusulkeun dumasar kana filogénetik molekular. Klasifikasi Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group klasifikasi 2016 (PPG I) nampi tilu genera, nempatkeun Gymnosphaera clade dina Alsophila .[1] Dina taun 2018, Dong jeung Zuo ngusulkeun hubungan anu dipidangkeun dina cladogram di handap, sareng nyayogikeun nami-nami dina Gymnosphaera pikeun spésiés anu dianggapna kagolong kana genus ieu.[6]




Alsophila sensu lato

Alsophila sensu stricto


Sumber anu langkung lami, sapertos ngadaptar Organisasi New Zealand and Large and Braggins (2004), nempatkeun Alsophila dina jero anu ditetepkeun sacara umum Cyathea .[7][8]


Golongan. Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I) bagéan tina genus Alsophila kalawan mibanda 275 spésiés.[1] , Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World nempatkeun spésiés :[9]

Sebaran sareng habitat

Genus Alsophila ieu, loba kapanggih hirup di wewengkon tropical aya oge di subtropical, ti Amérika Kalér sareng Kidul, ngaliwatan Afrika, Madagaskar sareng tropis Asia, ka wétan Australasia dugi ka kidul dugi ka subantarctic kapuloan Auckland.[10][2] It is found in moist montane forests, on slopes or in ravines, forming part of the lower canopy, middle understorey, or ground layers.[2]


Alsophila spésiés sadayana meryogikeun bébas tina tiris atanapi ampir teu aya dina ibun, beueus sacara permanen, kaayaan naungan. Anu parantos dipelak di Éropa di luar habitat asalna kaasup A. australis, A. cunninghamii, A. dealbata, A. leichhardtiana and A. rebeccae.[11] Other species are grown in their native regions. In Australia, A. australis is commonly grown and is a robust species, capable of tolerating some sun if kept in moist soil.[12] A. dregei is a popular garden plant in South Africa, with plants being collected for use from the wild sufficiently often to cause it to become extinct in some areas.[13]


The silver fern, Alsophila dealbata has become a widely recognised symbol of New Zealand, although it is not an official national symbol.[14]

In the 1971 comedy film A New Leaf, Henrietta Lowell (played by Elaine May) is a botanist whose dream is to classify a new species of fern. On a honeymoon trip, she indeed discovers a new species which she names Alsophila grahami after her new husband Henry Graham (Walter Matthau). She describes the plant as having a vestigial indusium.

Dicutat tina

  1. a b c d e f PPG I (2016). "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns". Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 (6): 563–603. doi:10.1111/jse.12229. 
  2. a b c Zhang, Xianchun; Nishida, Harufumi. "Alsophila". Di Wu, Zhengyi; Raven, Peter H.; Hong, Deyuan. Flora of China (online). Diakses tanggal 2019-09-27. 
  3. Weigand, Anna; Lehnert, Marcus (2016), "The scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae-Polypodiopsida) of Brazil", Acta Botanica Brasilica 30 (3): 336–350, doi:10.1590/0102-33062016abb0065 
  4. a b Korall, Petra; Conant, David S.; Metzgar, Jordan S.; Schneider, Harald; Pryer, Kathleen M. (2007). "A molecular phylogeny of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae)". American Journal of Botany 94 (5): 873–886. doi:10.3732/ajb.94.5.873. PMID 21636456. Diakses pada 2019-08-22. 
  5. "Alsophila R.Br.". The International Plant Names Index. Diakses tanggal 2019-09-27. 
  6. Dong, Shi-Yong; Zuo, Zheng-Yu (2018). "On the Recognition of Gymnosphaera As a Distinct Genus in Cyatheaceae". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 103 (1): 1–23. doi:10.3417/2017049. 
  7. "Alsophila R.Br.", NZOR New Zealand Organisms Register, October 2000, diakses tanggal 2019-09-27 
  8. Large, Mark F.; Braggins, John E. (2004). Tree Ferns. Timber Press. ISBN 978-0-88192-630-9. 
  9. Hassler, Michael; Schmitt, Bernd (June 2019). Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World 8 (2). Diakses tanggal 2019-08-21. 
  10. "Alsophila R.Br.". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Diakses tanggal 2019-09-27. 
  11. Walters, S.M.; Brady, A.; Brickell, C.D.; Cullen, J.; Green, P.S.; Lewis, J.; Matthews, V.A.; Webb, D.A.; Yeo, P.F.; Alexander, J.C.M., ed. (1986), "Alsophila", European Garden Flora 1, Cambridge University Press, p. 35, ISBN 978-0-521-76147-5 
  12. "Cyathea australis, Cyathea cooperi", Growing Native Plants (Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research), diakses tanggal 2019-09-27 
  13. Masinga, Nonhlanhla; Nduli, Luckyboy; Skhosana, Mlondi; Notten, Alice (November 2018), "Alsophila dregei ",, diakses tanggal 2019-09-27 
  14. "Government and nation - National animal and flower". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. (3 March 2009).