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Citakan:Km2 to mi2

Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
(dialihkeun ti Citakan:Km2 to sq mi)
{{km2 to mi2 | num | abbr | spell | precision | wiki}}
Manual of Style notation: {{km2 to mi2|100}} → 100 square kilometers (38,6 sq mi)
Short notation: {{km2 to mi2|258.99|abbr=yes}} → 258,99 km² (100 sq mi)
Full notation: {{km2 to mi2|num=100|abbr=no|spell=Commonwealth|precision=2|wiki=yes}} → 100 square kilometres (38,61 square miles)

Italicized parameters are optional:

  • num is a required parameter, which specifies the number of square kilometers to be converted to square miles. Please do not format this parameter; i.e., use 1234 instead of 1,234.
  • abbr can take values of either mos, yes, or no. Mos will show the names of the units as specified in the Manual of Style for dates and numbers (square kilometers, sq mi); yes will show the abbreviated names of the units (km², sq mi); and no will show the full names of the units (square kilometers, square miles). The default value is mos.
  • spell can take values of American or Commonwealth and is only meaningful when abbr is set to no. American will use "kilometers", and Commonwealth—"kilometres". The default value is American.
  • precision is the number of decimal digits in the converted value. The default value is 1.
  • wiki specifies whether the names of the units should be wikified or not and can take values of either yes or no. The default value is no.

Capitalization of the parameters is unimportant.

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See also

[édit sumber]
This set of templates contains many useful convert a given number and display both in WP:MOS format
in a family of consistently named templates: