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Hasil maluruh

Némbongkeun hasil pikeun the spain of our line. Paluruh lain pikeun The Sprint Of Our Life.
  • Gambar mini seharga Laut Tengah
    On the west: A line joining the extremities of Cape Trafalgar (Spain) and Cape Spartel (Africa). On the northéast: The West Coast of Italy. In the Strait...
    70 KB (7.276 kecap) - 13 Séptémber 2023 09.15
  • Gambar mini seharga Bima Sakti
    through the center of the galaxy at a 44±10 degree angle to the line between our sun and the center of the galaxy. It is composed primarily of red stars...
    25 KB (3.230 kecap) - 13 Oktober 2023 03.30
  • Gerbert of Aurillac, who was later to become Pope Silvester II, (d. 1003) was among the first to bring Islamic science to Europe from Spain. Later men...
    33 KB (4.873 kecap) - 4 April 2017 06.27