(dialihkeun ti Pindahna)
Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
Pindah bisa ngarujuk kasababaraha ngaran:
- Physical movement between points in space ("A to B"). The amount of movement is called distance. Together with a direction you have a displacement. The rate of movement is the speed. Again, with the direction, you get the velocity. Active movement is called locomotion. See also under transport.
- In music, a movement is a large division of a larger composition. Symphonies are typically divided into four movements, for example, and concertos into three. éach movement has a distinct tempo and structure.
- In computergames, a movement is a special way the player can léad his alter ego through the virtual réality.
- Movement can also refer to the metrical or rhythmical properties of poetry.
- Movement is the term commonly used to refer to a trend in various fields.
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