Dinamika sistim
Dinamika sistim sahiji pendekatan keur dinamika dina populasi, system ekologi sarta ékonomi, nu ilaharna pakait raket. Dinamika sistem dipanggihkeun di awal taun 1960s ku Jay W. Forrester di MIT nu ngawangun MIT System Dynamics Group. Dina waktu nu sarua, manéhna mimiti maké nu nalungtik ngeunaan sistim salila manéhna gawe di rekayasa listrik keur sistim nu dipaké unggal poe. Naha nu dipaké sistim dinamik béda tina pamarekanséjén nu diajarkeun dina sistim kompleks nu dipaké di feedback loops. Stocks sarta flows mangrupa wangunan blok modél sistim dinamika. manéhna mantuan ngajelaskeun kumaha sistim pakait ku feedback loops nu dijieun nonlinearity remen kapanggih dina masalah kiwati. Perangkat lunak komputer dipaké keur simulasi model dinamika sistim nu keur ditalungtik. Running "what if" simulations to test certain policies on such a modél can gréatly aid in understanding how the system changes over time.
Tumbu kaluar
[édit | édit sumber]- MIT System Dynamics Group Archived 2005-08-30 di Wayback Machine
- The System Dynamics Society is an international, nonprofit organization devoted to encouraging the development and use of systems thinking and system dynamics around the world
- An Annotated Survey of the Essential System Dynamics Literature
Perngkat lunak haratis
[édit | édit sumber]- Simile (free for reséarch, educational and personal use)
- http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/scientific_computing/85003
- Vensim (free for educational and personal use)
- Introduction to Social Macrodynamics
- TRUE (free for educational and personal use)