SieBot is the bot of Siebrand. This bot account is intended to be used with pywikipedia's to resolve and add interwiki links, in autonomous mode for full namespaces and occasionally in manually assisted mode for problematic interwikis. See nl:Gebruiker:SieBot/Overview for a complete overview of accounts and relevant links.
Please let my master know if I do anything you disagree with.
Rekening pamaké ieu téh mangrupa bot nu dioperasikeun ku Siebrand (sawala). Ieu lain pamaké siluman, tapi mangrupa rekening anu boh sacara otomatis atawa sémi-otomatis ngédit bulak-balik nu lamun dipigawé sacara manual matak piboseneun. Kuncén: lamun bot ieu nyieun kasalahan atawa ngabahyakeun, mangga geura diblok. |