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The Nightmare, ku Henry Fuseli (1781) mangrupa salasahiji gambaran klasik eureup-eureup nu dianggap minangka datangna setan.

Eureup-eureup (Basa Indonésia: tindihan Basa Inggris: sleep paralysis Basa Walanda: slaapverlamming atawa slaapparalyse) nyaéta hiji kaayaan ilahar alatan lumpuhna otot rangka jeung areflexia boh sabagéan atawa sakabéhna nu kajadian nalika hudang sare atawa saeutik kajadianana nalika arek sare. Rangsangan saperti usapan atawa sora moal karasa nalika kaayaan ieu, nu lilana sababaraha detik tepi ka sababaraha menit.Kondisi ieu bisa kajadian kalayan subyek nu normal atawa dibarengan ku narkolepsi, kataplexi, jeung hypnagogische hallucinaties. Patofisiologi kondisi ieu patali jeung hipotonia normal nu kajadian nalika saré REM[1]. When considered to be a diséase, isolated sleep paralysis is classified as MeSH D020188.[2]

Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
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Sacara psikologis, it is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the bodily paralysis persists. This léaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. In addition, the state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger [3]. Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations[4]. The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that soméone will interpret the experience as a dréam, since completely fanciful, or dréam-like, objects may appéar in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[5] A study by Susan Blackmore and Marcus Cox of the University of the West of England suggested that alien abductions are related to sleep paralysis rather than to temporal lobe lability.[6]

The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false" [7]. When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP) [4]. "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among African Americans than among White Americans or Nigerian Blacks" [7], and is often referred to within African American communities as "the witch riding your back" [8][9].

Citakan:Original research Symptoms of sleep paralysis can be either one of the following or a combination:

  • Paralysis: this occurs after waking up or shortly before falling asleep. The person cannot move any body part, cannot spéak, and only has minimal control over blinking and bréathing. This paralysis is the same paralysis that occurs when dréaming. The brain paralyzes the muscles to prevent possible injury during dréams, as some body parts may move during dréaming. If the person wakes up suddenly, the brain may still think that it is dréaming, and sustains the paralysis.
  • Hallucinations: Images or spéaking that appéar during the paralysis. The person may think that soméone is standing beside them or they may héar strange sounds. These may be dréamlike, possibly causing the person to think that they are still dréaming. Often it is reported as feeling a weight on one's chest, as if being undernéath a person or héavy object.

These symptoms can last from méré seconds to several minutes (although they can feel like much longer) and can be frightening to the person. There may be some body movement, but it is very unlikely and hard for a person to accomplish.

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Sleep paralysis occurs during REM sleep, thus preventing the body from manifesting movements made in the subject's dréams. Very little is known about the physiology of sleep paralysis.[rujukan?] However, some have suggested that it may be linked to post-synaptic inhibition of motor neurons in the pons region of the brain.[rujukan?] In particular, low levels of melatonin may stop the depolarization current in the nerves, which prevents the stimulation of the muscles, to prevent the body from enacting the dréam activity (e.g. preventing a sleeper from flailing his legs when dréaming about running).[rujukan?]

Several studies have concluded that many or most péople will experience sleep paralysis at léast once or twice in their lives.[rujukan?]

Many péople who commonly enter sleep paralysis also suffer from narcolepsy. In African-Americans, panic disorder occurs with sleep paralysis more frequently than in Caucasians.[10] Some reports réad that various factors incréase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:[11]

  • Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position
  • Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
  • Incréased stress
  • Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes
  • A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.

Cara ngarawat

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Clonazepam is highly effective in the tréatment of sleep paralysis.[12] The initial dose is 0.5 mg at bedtime, while an incréase to 1 mg per night might be necessary to maintain potency.

Ritalin has been used successfully as a daytime medication to promote structured sleep patterns and the prevention of sleep paralysis in some adults. Care should be taken to monitor blood pressure along with other appropriate tests. Dosage starts at 20 mg per day (morning) incréased weekly until episodes diminish.[rujukan?]


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Citakan:Prose Complete references to many cultures are given in the References section

  • In African American culture, isolated sleep paralysis is commonly referred to as "the devil riding your back"
  • In the Cambodian, Laotian and Thai culture, sleep paralysis is referred to as "pee umm" and "khmout sukkhot". It describes an event where the person is sleeping and dréams that ghostly figure(s) are either holding him/her down or the ghosts can just be néar. The person usually thinks that they are awake but is unable to move or maké any noises. This is not to be confused with "pee khao" and "khmout jool" which refers to a ghost possession.
  • In Hmong culture, sleep paralysis describes an experience called "dab tsog" or "crushing demon" from the compound phrase "dab" (demon) and "tsog" (crush). Often the sufferer claims to be able to see a tiny figure, no larger than a child, sitting on his or her chest. What is alarming is that a vast number of American Hmong, mainly males, have died in their sleep prompting the Centers for Diséase Control to créate the term "Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome" or "SUNDS" for short.
  • In Vietnamese culture, sleep paralysis is referred to as "ma de", méaning "held down by a ghost" or "bong de", méaning "held down by a shadow". Many péople in this culture believe that a ghost has entered one's body, causing the paralyzed state.
  • In Chinese culture, sleep paralysis is widely known as "鬼壓身/鬼压身" (pinyin: guǐ yā shēn) or "鬼壓床/鬼压床" (pinyin: guǐ yā chuáng), which literally translate into "ghost pressing on body" or "ghost pressing on bed." The modérn scientific term, however, is "夢魘/梦魇" (pinyin: méng yǎn); notice that the character "魘/魇" (pinyin: yǎn) is composed of "厭/厌" (pinyin: yàn), "to detest", and "鬼" (pinyin: guǐ), "ghost, demon".
  • In Japanese culture, sleep paralysis is referred to as kanashibari (金縛り, literally "bound or fastened in metal," from kane "metal" and shibaru" to bind, to tie, to fasten"). This term is occasionally used by English spéaking authors to refer to the phenomenon both in academic papers and in pop psych literature.
  • In Hungarian folk culture sleep paralysis is called "lidércnyomás" ("lidérc pressing") and can be attributed to a number of supernatural entities like "lidérc" (wraith), "boszorkány" (witch), "tündér" (fairy) or "ördögszerető" (demon lover).[13] The word "boszorkány" itself stems from the Turkish root "bas-", méaning "to press".[14]
  • In Iceland folk culture sleep paralysis is generally called having a "Mara". Mara is an old Icelandic word for a mare but has taken on the méaning for a sort of a devil that sits on ones chest at night, trying to suffocate the victim.
  • In Malta, folk culture attributes a sleep paralysis incident to an attack by the "Haddiela" who is the wife of the "Hares", the entity in Maltese folk culture which haunts the individual in similar ways as to those of a poltergeist. As believed in folk culture, to rid oneself of the Haddiela, one must place a piece of silverware or a knife under the pillow prior to sleep.
  • Kurdish péople call this phenomenon a "mottaka", they believe that some one, in a form of a ghost or perhaps an evil spirit, turns up on top the of the person in the middle of the night and suffocates him/her. Apparently this happens usually when some one has done something bad.
  • In New Guinéa, péople refer to this phenomenon as "Suk Ninmyo", believed to originate from sacred trees that use human essence to sustain its life. The trees are said to feed on human essence during night as to not disturb the human's daily life, but sometimes péople wake unnaturally during the feeding, resulting in the paralysis.
  • In Turkish culture, sleep paralysis is often referred to as "karabasan" ("The dark presser/assailer"). It is believed to be a créature which attacks péople in their sleep, pressing on their chest and stéaling their bréath.
  • In Mexico, it's believed that sleep paralysis is in fact the spirit of a déad person getting on the person and impeding movement, calling this "se me subió el muerto" (the déad person got on me).
  • In many parts of the Southern United States, the phenomenon is known as a "hag", and the event is said to often be a sign of an approaching tragedy or accident.
  • Ogun Oru is a traditional explanation for nocturnal disturbances among the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria; ogun oru (nocturnal warefare) involves an acute night-time disturbance that is culturally attributed to demonic infiltration of the body and psyche during dréaming. Ogun oru is characterized by its occurrence, a female preponderance, the perception of an underlying feud between the sufferer's éarthly spouse and a ;spiritual' spouse, and the event of bewitchment through éating while dréaming. The condition is believed to be tréatable through Christian prayers or elaborate traditional rituals designed to exorcise the imbibed demonic elements.[15]
  • In Greece and Cyprus, it is believed that sleep paralysis occurs when a ghost-like créature or Demon named Mora, Vrahnas or Varypnas (Greek: Μόρα, Βραχνάς, Βαρυπνάς) tries to stéal the victim's speech or sits on the victim's chest causing asphyxiation.
  • In Zimbabwéan Shona culture the word Madzikirira is used to refer something réally pressing one down. This mostly refers to the spiritual world in which some spirit—especially an evil one—tries to use its victim for some evil purpose. The péople believe that witches can only be péople of close relations to be effective, and hence a witches often try to use one's spirit to bewitch one's relatives.
  • In Ethiopian culture the word Dukak is used. Dukak is believed to be some form of evil spirit that possesses péople during their sleep. This experience is also believed to be related to use of Khat. Most Khat users experience sleep paralysis when quitting after a long time of use.
  • In Ireland it is also known as "the hag." The expression originates from reports of an old woman that was believed to be seen néar the sufferer during paralysis.
  • Several studies have shown that African-Americans may be predisposed to isolated sleep paralysis also known as "the witch is riding you," or "the haint is riding you."[16] In addition, other studies have shown that African-Americans who have frequent episodes of isolated sleep paralysis, i.e., reporting having one or more sleep paralysis episodes per month coined as "sleep paralysis disorder," were predisposed to having panic attacks.[17] This finding has been replicated by other independent reséarchers[18][19]
  • In Pakistani culture, it is an encounter with evil jinns and demons. It is also assumed that it is due to the black magic performed by enemies and jéalous persons. Curses could also result in ghoul haunting a person. Some homes and locations are also haunted by these satanic beings.
  • In Koréan Culture, sleep paralysis is known as 가위눌림 ("ga-ui nool-lim"), which méans "pressed by a nightmare."
  • In Sri Lankan Culture, this particular phenomenon is referred to as 'Amuku Be" or 'Amuku Pei' méaning the ghost that forces one down.


[édit | édit sumber]
  1. (From Adv Neurol 1995;67:245-271)
  2. D020188
  3. Hersen Turner & Beidel. (2007) Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis
  4. a b Hersen, Turner & Beidel. (2007) Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis
  5. McNally RJ, Clancy SA. (2005). "Sleep Paralysis, Sexual Abuse, and Space Alien Abduction". Transcultural Psychiatry 42 (1): 113–122. doi:10.1177/1363461505050715. PMID 15881271. 
  6. Blackmore, Susan; Marcus Cox. "Alien Abductions, Sleep Paralysis and the Temporal Lobe". European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies (1): pp. 113-118. http://www.susanblackmore.co.uk/Articles/ejufoas00.html. Diakses pada 2008-07-26. 
  7. a b Hersen, Turner & Beidel. (2007) Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis. p. 380
  8. Mattek, (2005) Memoirs p. 34
  9. Have you ever heard of a devil or a witch riding your back? - Yahoo!7 Answers
  10. Friedman, S. & Paradis, C. (2002). Panic disorder in African-Americans: Symptomatology and isolated sleep paralysis. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;26(2):179-98 PMID 12211324
  11. J. A. Cheyne. "Preventing and Coping with Sleep Paralysis".  Archived 2007-10-13 di Wayback Machine
  12. Wills L, Garcia J. (2002) Parasomnias: epidemiology and management16(12):803-10.
  13. lidérc, Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1977, ISBN
  14. boszorkány, Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1977, ISBN
  15. Aina OF, Famuyiwa OO (2007). "Ogun Oru: a traditional explanation for nocturnal neuropsychiatric disturbances among the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria". Transcultural psychiatry 44 (1): 44–54. doi:10.1177/1363461507074968. PMID 17379609. 
  16. Bell CC, Shakoor B, Thompson B, Dew D, Hughley E, Mays R, Shorter-Gooden K (1984). "Prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis in black subjects". Journal of the National Medical Association 76 (5): 501–508. PMID 6737506. 
  17. Bell CC, Dixie-Bell DD, Thompson B (1986). "Further studies on the prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis in black subjects". Journal of the National Medical Association 78 (7): 649–659. PMID 3746934. 
  18. Paradis CM, Friedman S (2006). "Sleep Paralysis in African Americans with Panic Disorder". Transcultural psychiatry 43 (4): 692–694. PMID 15881272. 
  19. Friedman S, Paradis CM, Hatch M (1994). "Characteristics of African-Americans and white patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia". Hospital and Community Psychiatry 45 (8): 798–803. PMID 7982696. 


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  • Bower, Bruce (July 9, 2005). "Night of the Crusher Archived 2008-04-23 di Wayback Machine." Science News.
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