![]() | Iyeu mangrupa subhalaman dokuméntasi pikeun Citakan:IPA-es. Citakan ieu ngandung inpormasi pamakéan, kategori jeung eusi lianna nu teu bagian tina citakan kaca. |
[édit sumber]This template formats IPA transcriptions and links them to WP:IPA for Spanish. The transcription should match the conventions of that key; for narrower dialect transcriptions, use {{IPA-all}}, which links to a more complete IPA key.
The first cell in the template is for the transcription, and a second optional cell is a switch that controls the lede. With no second value, the lede Spanish pronunciation: appears:
→ palapalan Spanyol: [tu]{{IPA-es|tu|pron}}
→ dilapalkeun: [tu]{{IPA-es|tu|lang}}
→ Basa Spanyol: [tu]{{IPA-es|tu|local}}
→ lokalna: [tu]{{IPA-es|tu|IPA}}
→ IPA: [tu]{{IPA-es|tu|}}
→ [tu]
Any of these may be combined with a sound file in an optional third cell:
For the default lede, however, a placeholder such as ‹-› is required in the second cell:
Wikipedia offers several templates for proper display of the IPA.
In general, instances of the IPA on a page should be enclosed in the {{IPA}} template, which forces the formatting of the text to an IPA-compatible font. If a substantial portion of a page is in the IPA, it is customary to post notice of that fact with {{IPA notice|lang=en}}, though each token still requires the {{IPA}} template for proper formatting.
However, if there are not enough occurrences to warrant a notice, then consider a template that links to an IPA key for the first instance of the IPA on a page or section:
- For a broad, non-regional transcription of an English word, as when giving the pronunciation of a key word in an article, {{IPAEng}} is appropriate, as it links to Help:pronunciation, a chart of the subset of the IPA that is relevant to English:
- {{IPAEng|word}} displays as IPA: /word/.
- the variant {{pronEng|word}} displays as dikecapkeun /word/.
- For foreign words that are not assimilated into English, regional pronunciations of English words, and non-standard English dialects, {{IPA2}} would be more appropriate, as it links to the more complete Help:IPA chart:
- {{IPA2|word}} displays as IPA: [word].
- the variant {{pronounced|word}} appears as dikecapkeun [word].
- For phonemic transcriptions that follow Australian pronunciation, use the templates {{IPAAusE}} and {{pronAusE}}.
Tempo oge
[édit sumber]