Iyeu mangrupa subhalaman dokuméntasi pikeun Citakan:Nosubst. Citakan ieu ngandung inpormasi pamakéan, kategori jeung eusi lianna nu teu bagian tina citakan kaca. |
[édit sumber]{{Nosubst}}
(Much like the template itself, this particular template should not be substituted! I hope this isn't too confusing...)
This template should be placed on the documentation subpage (not the template page itself) of any template that should not be substituted (and transcluded instead).
- Parameters
- This template accepts one optional parameter, which can be used to give a more detailed description of why the template in question should not be substituted. For example,
{{Nosubst|Example text.}}
This template should not be substituted. Example text. |
Citakan:List of subst helper templates