Tumbu telekomunikasi
Tumbu télékomunikasi (Basa Inggris: telecommunications link) ilaharna mangrupa hiji ti antara sababaraha rupa jalur transmisi informasi nu dilakonan ku satelit komunikasi pikeun nyambungkeun dua titik di bumi.
Tumbu ka luhur (Uplink)
[édit | édit sumber]Tumbu ka luhur (bahasa Inggris: uplink (UL atawa U/L)) mangrupa bagian tina tumbu komunikasi nu dipaké pikeun pangiriman sinyal ti hiji terminal bumi ka hiji satelit atawa ka hiji airborne platform.
Tumbu ka handap (Downlink)
[édit | édit sumber]Tumbu ka handap (bahasa Inggris: downlink atawa (DL)) mangrupa tumbu ti hiji satelit ka hiji setasiun bumi.
- Nujul ka jaringan sélulér, downlink radio marupakeun jalur ti hiji Base Transceiver Station (Cell Site) ka hiji Mobile Station (handphone). Trafik jeung signalling anu ngalir di antara BSS jeung NSS bisa digolongkeun salaku uplink jeung downlink.
Forward link
[édit | édit sumber]A forward link is the link from a fixed location (e.g., a base station) to a mobile user. If the link includes a communications relay satellite, the forward link will consist of both an uplink (base station to satellite) and a downlink (satellite to mobile user).
Reverse link
[édit | édit sumber]The reverse link (sometimes called a return link) is the link from a mobile user to a fixed base station.
If the link includes a communications relay satellite, the reverse link will consist of both an uplink (mobile station to satellite) and a downlink (satellite to base station) which together constitute a half hop.