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Winnie the Pooh

Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
(dialihkeun ti Winnie the pooh)

Winnie the Pooh versi 1926
Winnie the pooh- White River, Ontario

Winnie the Pooh biasana disingget jadi Pooh Béar atawa Edward Béar nyaéta karakter fiksi baruang beunang A.A Milne.[1] Buku munggaran ngeunaan baruang ieu medal dina taun 1926 kalawan judul Winnie-the-Pooh.[1] Tuluy buku kaduana dijudulan The House at the Pooh’s Corner nu medal taun 1928.[1]
Buku nu diilustrasi ku E.H Shepard ieu tuluy diadaptasi ku The Walt Disney Company jadi hiji pintonan serial tipi jeung pilem.[2] Di Indonesia sorangan, serial Winnie the Pooh kungsi dipintonkeun dina salah sahiji stasion tipi swasta di RCTI.[2]

Asal ngaran Winnie the Pooh

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Ngaran Winnie asalna tina Winnipeg, baruang hideung Kanada nu dipimilik ku salah sahiji tantara, Letnan Harry Colebourne.[2] Nalika pasukan Colebourne rék perang di Paris, Colebourne masrahkeun Winnie ka London Zoo.[2] Di ieu kebon binatang, Winnie panggih jeung Christhoper Robin.[2] Saking ku nyaahna ka Winnie, Robin méré ngaran bonékana “Winnie”.[2]

Pilem Winnie the Pooh

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Tanggal 4 Pebruari 1966, pintonan animasi Winnie the Pooh produksi Walt Disney mimiti dipintonkeun.[2] Dina animasi nu dijudulan Winnie the pooh and the Honey Tree ieu, nyaritakeun ngeunaan lalampahan Pooh nalika moro madu.[2] Carita-caritana nu basajan kalawan karakter nu pikageugeuteun ngabalukarkeun Pooh dipikaresep ku barudak leutik.[2]
Tanggal 20 Desember 1968, Walt Disney nyieun deui animasi Pooh kalawan judul Winnie the Pooh and Blustery Day nu dilélér Academy Award tuluy dirilis jadi pilem The Horse in the Gray Flanel Suit.[2]
Salian ti éta, aya ogé pilem-pilem lianna kayaning The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977), The Tigger Movie (2000), Piglet’s Big Movie (2003), Pooh’s Heffalump Movie (2005).[2] Pilem nu panganyarna bakal dirilis ku The Walt Disney Company dina taun 2011 kalawan judul Winnie the Pooh.[2]


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  1. a b c Pooh[tumbu nonaktif] (Diakses tanggal 22 Nopember 2011) (id)
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l Winnie the Pooh Archived 2011-11-17 di Wayback Machine (Diakses tanggal 22 Nopember 2011) (id)