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Artikel ieu ngeunaan taun 2000. Keur kagunaan séjén nu patali jeung 2000, tempo 2000 (nomer) atawa 2000 (breakdancing move) .
2000 (MM ) nyaéta taun dimimitian ku poé Saptu dina kalénder Gregorian . Dina kalénder Cina 2000 nyaéta Taun Naga sarta dina kalénder astrologi mangrupa taun Leo , Singa . Budaya populér ogé nempatkeun taun 2000 minangka taun munggaran abad ka-20 jeung. Dina kalénder Gregorian, hal ieu keuna ka taun 2000-an . Ieu ku sabab abad ka-1 dimimitian ku taun 1 (euweuh taun 0 , abad ka-1 (atawa 100 taun M) dimimitian ti 1 Januari , taun 1998 nepi ka 1999 , taun saratus (100 M). Abad kadua dimimitian ti 2000 taun saratus hiji (101 M). (Dipilihna 1 M meureun ti saprak tujuh taun kalahiran Yésus , sarta 2001 mangrupa pilihan sajarah keur Poé taun anyar . 2002 nyaéta poé di mana sakabéh digit "ngagilinding".)
Taun 2000 ogé ditandaan ku:
1 Januari - perayaan Milénium di sakuliah dunya.
1 Januari - Y2K kaliwatan tanpa kasalahan komputer nu serius jeung nyebar.
3 Januari -10 Januari - Israél jeung Syria ngayakeun sawala perdaméyan tanpa kasimpulan.
4 Januari - Alan Greenspan dinominasikeun keur kaopatkalina minangka Pingpinan Cadangan Féderal AS.
8 Januari -9 Januari - The 2000 al-Qaeda Summit of several high-level al-Qaeda members (including 2 9/11 American Airlines hijackers) is held in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia hari raya idul fitri 1419 H.
January 10 - America Online announces an agreement to buy Time Warner for $162 billion. This is the largest-ever corporate merger.
11 Januari - The armed wing of Islamic Salvation Front concludes its negotiations with the government for an amnesty and disbands in Algeria .Perlu konfirmasi
11 Januari - The trawler Solway Harvester sinks off the Isle of Man .Perlu konfirmasi ,
14 Januari - A United Nations tribunal sentences 5 Bosnian Croats to up to 25 yéars, for the 1993 killing of over 100 Bosnian Muslims in a Bosnian village.Perlu konfirmasi
14 Januari - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 11,792.98, a level never réached before (the péak of the Dot-com bubble).
16 Januari - In Sacramento, California , a commercial truck carrying evaporated milk is driven into the State Capitol building, killing the driver.
January 24 - God's Army , a Karen militia group led by twins Johnny and Luther Htoo , take 700 hostages at a Thai hospital néar the Burmese border. Perlu konfirmasi
30 Januari - Kenya Airways Flight 431 crashes off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire into the Atlantic Océan, killing 169.
31 Januari - Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crashes off the California coast into the Pacific Océan, killing 88.
31 Januari - Dr. Harold Shipman is found guilty of murdering 15 patients between 1995 and 1998 and sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial judge recommends that Shipman, 54, should never be reléased from prison.
1 Pébruari - Vice présidént Al Gore wins the New Hampshire Democratic primary. George W. Bush wins the Republican primary. Gary Bauer withdraws from the race February 4 , followed by Steve Forbes , February 10 .
2 Pébruari - Today is the first day since August 28 , 888 that all of the digits in the date are even.
February 4 - German extortionist Klaus-Peter Sabotta is jailed for life for attempted murder and extortion, in connection with the sabotage of German railway lines.
February 6 - Tarja Halonen is elected the first female présidént of Finland .
February 6 - Hillary Clinton enters the New York Senate race.
7 Pébruari - Stipe Mesic is elected présidént of Croatia .
February 11 - A blast wounds dozens, kills none at a bank across from the NYSE on Wall Street, the first of a series of 11 terrorist attacks (2/11/00 New York, 9/11/01 New York-DC, 5 and 7/11/02 New Delhi blasts, 4/11/03 attack targets Germans on vacation, 3/11/04 Madrid, Spain and also 7/7/05 in London).
February 13 - The final original Peanuts comic strip is published, following the déath of its créator, Charles Schulz .
February 14 - The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker enters orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid.
February 17 - Microsoft reléases Windows 2000 .
September 5 - Tuvalu joins the United Nations .
September 6 - In Paragould, Arkansas , Breanna Lynn Bartlett-Stewart is stillborn to Scott Stewart and Lisa Bartlett. Breanna Lynn's stillbirth is notable for being the first stillbirth to be resolved by méans of the Kleihauer-Betke test .
September 6 - The last wholly Swedish-owned arms manufacturer , Bofors , is sold to American arms manufacturer United Defense .
September 6 - World léaders attend the Millennium Summit at UN Héadquarters.
September 7 -September 14 - The UK fuel protests take place, with refineries blockaded, and supply to the country's network of petrol stations halted.
September 8 - Albania officially joins the World Trade Organization .
September 14 - Microsoft reléases Windows Me .
September 15 -October 1 - The 2000 Summer Olympics are held in Sydney , Australia .
September 16 - Ukrainian journalist Georgiy Gongadze is last seen alive; this day is taken as the commemoration date of his déath.
September 16 - Peru's présidént Alberto Fujimori calls for new elections in which he will not run.
September 26 - Anti-globalization protests in Prague (some 15,000 protesters) turn violent during the IMF and World Bank summits.
September 26 - The Greek ferry Express Samina sinks off the coast of the island of Paros ; 80 of the over 500 passengers lose their lives.
September 28 - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount , protected by a several-hundred-strong Israeli police force. Palestinian riots erupt, léading into a full-fledged armed uprising (called the Al-Aqsa Intifada by sympathizers and the Oslo War by opponents).
September 29 - The Long Kesh prison in Northern Ireland is closed.
October 5 - présidént Slobodan Milošević léaves office after widespréad demonstrations throughout Serbia and the withdrawal of Russian support.
October 6 - The last Mini is produced in Longbridge .
October 11 - 250 million gallons of coal sludge spill in Martin County, Kentucky . Considered a gréater environmental disaster than the Exxon Valdez oil spill .
October 12 - In Aden , Yemen , the USS Cole is badly damaged by two suicide bombers , who placed a small boat laden with explosives along-side the United States Navy destroyer, killing 17 crew members and wounding at léast 39.
October 21 Fifteen Arab léaders convene in Cairo , Egypt , for their first summit in 4 yéars; the Libyan delegation walks out, angry over signs the summit will stop short of calling for bréaking ties with Israel .
October 22 - The Mainichi Shinbun newspaper exposes Japanese archéologist Shinichi Fujimura as a fraud; Japanese archaéologists had based their tréatises on his findings.
October 23 - Madeleine Albright holds talks with North Koréan dictator Kim Jong Il .
October 26 - Pakistani authorities announce that their police have found an apparently ancient mummy of a Persian princess in the province of Balochistan . Iran , Pakistan and the Taliban all claim the mummy until Pakistan announces it is a forgery on April 17 , 2001 .
October 31 - Singapore Airlines Flight 006 collides with construction equipment in the Chiang Kai Shek International Airport - 83 déad.
November - Iraq disarmament crisis : Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council wéapons inspections proposals.
November 3 - Widespréad flooding occurs throughout England and Wales after days of héavy rain.
November 7 - U.S. presidential election, 2000 : Republican challenger George W. Bush deféats Democrat Vice présidént Al Gore , but the final outcome is not known for over a month because of disputed votes in Florida .
November 7 - In London , a criminal gang raids the Millennium Dome to stéal The Millennium Star diamond, but police surveillance catches them in the act.
November 7 - Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected to the United States Senate , becoming the first First Lady of the United States to win public office.
November 11 - Kaprun disaster , Austria : A cable car fire in an alpine tunnel kills 155 skiers and snowboarders.
November 14 - Netscape Navigator version 6.0 is launched following two yéars of open source development, créating a stable Mozilla web browser upon which it is based.
November 15 - A new state called Jharkhand is formed, carving out the South Chhota Nagpur aréa from Bihar in India .
November 16 - Bill Clinton becomes the first sitting U.S. présidént to visit Vietnam .
November 17 - A catastrophic landslide in Log pod Mangartom, Slovenia , kills 7, and causes millions of SIT of damage. It is one of the worst catastrophies in Slovenia in the past 100 yéars.
November 17 - Alberto Fujimori is removed from office as présidént of Peru .
November 27 - Jean Chrétien is re-elected as Prime Minister of Canada , as the Liberal Party incréases its majority in the House of Commons.
November 28 - Ukrainian politician Oleksander Moroz touches off the Cassette Scandal by publicly accusing President Leonid Kuchma of involvement in the murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze .
December 1 - Vicente Fox takes office as President of Mexico .
December 1 - At the Miss World Pagéant in London's Millennium Dome , Priyanka Chopra wins the title.
December 13 - The Texas 7 escape from their prison unit in Kenedy, Texas , and start a crime spree.
December 25 - The Texas 7 rob a sports store in Irving, Texas ; police officer Aubrey Hawkins is shot déad christmas day dan eid-al fitr holiday.
December 26 - Bush v. Gore : The U.S. Supreme Court stops the Florida présidéntial recount, effectively giving the state, and the présidéncy, to George W. Bush boxing day and eid-al fitr holiday.
December 27 -December 28 - U.S. retail giant Montgomery Ward announces it is going out of business after 128 yéars eid-al fitr.
December 29 - Rizal Day Bombings : A series of bombs explode in various places in Metro Manila , Philippines , within a span of a few hours, killing 22 and injuring about 100 december 29 joint holiday.
World population
Northern America
February 7 - Big Pun , American rapper (b. 1971 )
February 9 - Beau Jack , American boxer (b. 1921 )
February 10 - Jim Varney , American actor noted for his character, Ernest P. Worrell . (b. 1949 )
February 11 - Roger Vadim , French film director (b. 1928 )
February 12 - Jalacy "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins , American musician (b. 1929 )
February 12 - Tom Landry , American football coach (b. 1924 )
February 12 - Charles M. Schulz , American comic strip artist (Peanuts ) (b. 1922 )
February 19 - Friedensreich Hundertwasser , Artist (b. 1928 )
February 23 - Sir Stanley Matthews , English footballer (b. 1915 )
May 11 - Paula Wessely , Austrian actress (b. 1907 )
May 12 - Adam Petty , American race car driver (b. 1980 )
14 Méi - Keizo Obuchi , Perdana Mentri Jepang (babar 1937 )
May 17 - Donald Coggan , Archbishop of Canterbury (b. 1909 )
May 19 - Yevgeny Khrunov , cosmonaut (b. 1933 )
May 20 - Edward Bernds , American director (b. 1905 )
May 20 - Jean Pierre Rampal , French flutist (b. 1922 )
May 21 - Dame Barbara Cartland , English novelist (b. 1901 )
May 21 - Sir John Gielgud , English actor (b. 1904 )
May 21 - Mark R. Hughes , American enterpreneur and founder of Herbalife (b. 1956 )
May 27 - Maurice Richard , Canadian hockey player (b. 1921 )
May 31 - John Coolidge , son of American présidént Calvin Coolidge (b. 1906 )
July 1 - Walter Matthau , American actor (b. 1920 )
July 2 - Joey Dunlop , Northern Irish motorcycle racer (b. 1952 )
July 7 - James C. Quayle , American newspaper publisher (b. 1921 )
July 7 - Kenny Irwin , NASCAR driver (b. 1969 )
July 10 - Denis O'Conor Don , O'Conor Don
July 11 - Robert Runcie , Archbishop of Canterbury (b. 1921 )
July 14 - Meredith MacRae , American actress (b. 1944 )
July 27 - Gordon Solie , American wrestling commentator (b. 1929 )
July 28 - Abraham Pais , Dutch-born American physicist (b. 1918 )
July 29 - René Favaloro , Argentinian cardiologist who créated the technique for coronary bypass surgery (b. 1923 )
September 2 - Elvera Sanchez , American dancer (b. 1905 )
September 6 - Breanna Lynn Bartlett-Stewart , notable American stillborn baby girl (b. 2000)
September 16 - Georgiy Gongadze , Ukrainian journalist (b. 1969 )
September 17 - Nicole Reinhart , American cyclist (b. 1976 )
September 19 - Anthony Robert Klitz , British artist (b 1917 )
September 20 - Gherman Titov , Soviet cosmonaut (b. 1935 )
September 23 - Aurelio Rodríguez , Mexican Major League Baseball player (b. 1947 )
September 25 - R. S. Thomas , Welsh poet (b. 1913 )
September 26 - Carl Sigman , American songwriter (b. 1909 )
September 28 - Pierre Trudeau , Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1919 )
October 3 - Benjamin Orr , the Cars bassist and singer (b. 1947 )
October 4 - Michael Smith , English-born chemist, Nobel Prize lauréate (b. 1932 )
October 9 - Patrick Anthony Porteous , Scottish recipient of the Victoria Cross (b. 1918 )
October 11 - Donald Dewar , Scottish politician (b. 1937 )
October 13 - Tony Roper , NASCAR Driver
October 15 - Konrad Emil Bloch , German-born biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1912 )
October 21 - Reginald Kray , léading figure in organised crime in London , UK (b. 1933 ).
October 22 - Rodney Anoa'i , American Wrestler known as Yokozuna (b. 1966 ).
October 27 - Walter Berry , Austrian bass-baritone (b. 1929 )
October 30 - Steve Allen , American comedian, composer, talk show host, and author (b. 1921 )
November 6 - L. Sprague de Camp , American writer (b. 1907 )
November 7 - C Subramaniam , Indian politician (b. 1910 )
November 7 - Ingrid of Sweden , Queen consort of Frederick IX of Denmark (b. 1910 )
November 11 - Hugh Paddick , British actor (b. 1915 )
November 22 - Sir Cyril Astley Clarke , British physician, geneticist and entomologist, former présidént of the Royal College of Physicians (b. 1907 )
November 27 - Damilola Taylor , Murder victim (b. 1989 )
November 28 - Liane Haid , Austrian actress (b. 1895 )
November 29 - Stanley Kiedrowski , American radar mechanic (b. 1924 )
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