Ieu téh sub kaca dokuméntasi pikeun Citakan:Border. Ngandung informasi pamakéan, katégori katut eusi lianna nu lain mangrupa bagéan tina kaca citakan nu asli. |
To place a border around e.g. an image.
[édit sumber]Basic
[édit sumber]{{border|element}}
- ...where element is the image, text, etc around which the border is to appear. The border will be a solid light grey color (#ddd) and 1px (1 pixel) wide (default settings; see below).
[édit sumber]
{{border |element |width=width |style=style |color=color}}
[édit sumber]
- element
- (required) The element (image, text, etc) around which the border is to appear.
- width
- The width (thickness) of the border (default 1px).
- style
- The border's style (dotted, dashed, double (i.e. double-lined), solid (default)).
- color
- The border's color (default #ddd, otherwise recommend a named color).