G-Spot: Béda antarrépisi

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Studies using ultrasound have also been used to identify physiological differences between women<ref name="Aquila"/> and changes to the G-Spot region during sex.<ref name="CNNreal"/>
Studies using ultrasound have also been used to identify physiological differences between women<ref name="Aquila"/> and changes to the G-Spot region during sex.<ref name="CNNreal"/>

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In a published case study of one woman, it was reported that stimulation of the [[anterior]] vaginal wall made the area grow by fifty percent and that self-reported levels of arousal/orgasm were "deeper" when the G-Spot was stimulated.<ref name="Addiego">{{cite journal |author =Addiego, F; Belzer, EG; Comolli, J; Moger, W; Perry, JD; Whipple, B. |year =1981|title =Female ejaculation: a case study. |journal =Journal of Sex Research |volume =17 |issue =1|pages =13–21 |doi =10.1080/00224498109551094}}</ref> Another study examined eleven women by [[palpate|palpating]] the entire vagina in a clockwise fashion, and reported a specific response to stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall in four of the women.<ref>{{cite journal |author =Goldberg, DC; Whipple, B; Fishkin, RE; Waxman H; Fink PJ; Wiesberg M. |year =1983 |title =The Grafenberg Spot and female ejaculation: a review of initial hypotheses. |journal =J Sex Marital Ther. |volume =9 |pages =27–37 |pmid =6686614 |issue =1}}</ref>
In a published case study of one woman, it was reported that stimulation of the [[anterior]] vaginal wall made the area grow by fifty percent and that self-reported levels of arousal/orgasm were "deeper" when the G-Spot was stimulated.<ref name="Addiego">{{cite journal |author =Addiego, F; Belzer, EG; Comolli, J; Moger, W; Perry, JD; Whipple, B. |year =1981|title =Female ejaculation: a case study. |journal =Journal of Sex Research |volume =17 |issue =1|pages =13–21 |doi =10.1080/00224498109551094}}</ref> Another study examined eleven women by [[palpate|palpating]] the entire vagina in a clockwise fashion, and reported a specific response to stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall in four of the women.<ref>{{cite journal |author =Goldberg, DC; Whipple, B; Fishkin, RE; Waxman H; Fink PJ; Wiesberg M. |year =1983 |title =The Grafenberg Spot and female ejaculation: a review of initial hypotheses. |journal =J Sex Marital Ther. |volume =9 |pages =27–37 |pmid =6686614 |issue =1}}</ref>

Révisi nurutkeun 14 April 2011 06.59

  1. ALIH Citakan:Disambig info
Gambar anatomi séksual awéwé.
G-Spot (4) perenahna dina hiji tepikeun ka tilu inci dina jero vagina, sagigireun urethra (6) jeung kantong cikiih (2).

Gräfenberg Spot, mindeng disebut G-Spot, nyaéta hiji daérah dina vagina nu gedéna saukuran kacang buncis[1]. Loba awéaé nu ngalaporkeun yén G-Spot mangrupakeun erogenous zone nu nalika dirangsang bakal nyababkeun hiji dorongan sahwat nu gedé, orgasme nu kacida kuatna sarta éjakulasi wanoja.[2] Gräfenberg Spot ilaharna aya dina sainci tepikeun ka tilu inci (2.5 to 7.6 cm) saluhureun pinding vagina béh hareup antara bukaan vagina jeung urétra[3] tur mangrupakeun daérah sénsitif nu mangrupakeun bagéan tina prostat wanoja.[4]

Sok sanajan G-Spot téh geus ditalungtik ti taun 1940-an,[5] kahanteupanujuan tetep mucunghul aya ngeunaan aya henteuna G-Spot minangka hiji struktur, définisi katut lokasi nu béda ti nu liana.[6][7] Panalungtikan di Inggris taun 2009 British nyindekkeun yén ayana G-Spot téh henteu kabuktian tur kacida subjéktifna, nu ngan ukur dumasar kana kuisionér katut pangalaman pribadi.[8] Aya ogé hipotésis yén G-Spot téh cenah mah mangrupakeun papanjangan tina itil tur ieu pisan nu nyababkeun orgasme vagina.[9][10] Panalungtikan liana nu maké ultrasound, geus manggihan bukti fisiologis ngeunaan G-Spot dina wanoja nu ngalaporkeun kungsi orgasme nalika saresmi.[11][12]

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  1. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama time1982
  2. Ladas, AK; Whipple, B; Perry, JD (1982). The G-Spot and other discoveries about human sexuality. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. ISBN 0440130409. 
  3. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama sex101
  4. "Female Ejaculation, the G-Spot, and the Female Prostate Gland". Diakses tanggal 2010-05-09. 
  5. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama TheNakedWoman
  6. "The G-Spot: A modern gynecological myth". Diakses tanggal 2010-05-09. 
  7. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama AJOG
  8. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama BBC8439000
  9. Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers (1991). A New View of a Woman’s Body. Feminist Heath Press. p. 46. ISBN 0-929945-0-2 Check |isbn= value (bantuan). 
  10. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama O'Connell
  11. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Aquila
  12. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama CNNreal

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Citakan:Female reproductive system Citakan:Sex