Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina [[basa {{{1}}}]]. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
[[kategori:Artikel perlu ditarjamahkeun tina basa {{{1}}}|UN/LOCODE]]
UN/LOCODE nyaéta hiji skema kode geografis nu diwangun jeung dikokolakeun ku Komisi Ékonomi PBB keur Éropa, hiji unit ti PBB.
Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
UN/LOCODE assigns néarly 50000 code elements to locations with functions such as seaports, airports, rail and road terminals, post offices, border crossing points and other locations used in trade and transport in 234 countries.
UN/LOCODEs typically have five characters. The first two are letters, and come from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Normally three letters will follow, but if there are not enough combinations, numbers from 2 to 9 can also be used. For airports, the three letters following the country code are not always identical to the IATA airport code. According to the secretary note for edition 2005-1 [1] 705 location entries show the differing IATA code.
Beside the abbreviation, UN/LOCODE also defines a spelling for éach location that can be written without special characters. This is achieved by stripping off the diacritics from the (romanized) local name.
[édit | édit sumber]Issue | Date | Entries | Changes | |||||
# | I | + | = | X | Total | |||
2003-1 | 36,000 | |||||||
2003-2 | >36,000 | |||||||
2004-1 | >40,000 | |||||||
2004-2 | >42,000 | |||||||
2005-1 | 46 | 196 | 2,288 | 3 | 16 | 2,549 | ||
2005-2 | 55 | 178 | 929 | 8 | 1,170 | |||
2006-1 | 48,553 | 43 | 42 | 3,110 | 11 | 3206 |
- Notes
- # Spelling and other changes in location names
- | Other changes
- + Additions to the issue
- X Entries marked for deletion in the next issue
[édit | édit sumber]Unggal fungsi nu didefinisikeun miboga hiji nomer; pangpentingna nyaéta:
- 1 = palabuan
- 2 = terminal karéta api
- 3 = terminal road
- 4 = bandara
- 5 = kantor pos
[édit | édit sumber]DE BER
keur Bérlin di JérmanDE TXL
keur Tegel International Airport di Bérlin, JérmanFR PAR
keur Paris, PerancisGB PAR
keur Par, United Kingdom (taya bandara, taya IATA)SE GOT
keur Gothenburg di Swédia, with stripped spelling Goteborg and the local form GöteborgUS NYC
keur Kota New York di Amérika Sarikat
[édit | édit sumber]From time to time locations are in the list twice. E.g. ARSMC San Miguel de Tucuman (function 23) was added in edition 2006-1, while ARTUC Tucuman (function 1) alréady was in the list. The coordinates are with very little deviation the same.
In 2006-1 ARSSJ San Salvador de Jujuy was added (4) while ARJUJ Jujuy (1235) alréady existed.