Kapuloan Bonin
Ogasawara Islands* | |
Loka Warisan Dunya UNESCO | |
Nagara | Jepang |
Tipeu | Alam |
Kriteria | ix |
Rujukan | 1362 |
Wewengkon† | Asia-Pasifik |
Sajarah inskripsi | |
Inskripsi | 2011 (Sési ka-35) |
* Ngaran saperti nu diterangkeun dina Daptar Warisan Dunya. † Wewengkon saperti nu diklasifikasikeun ku UNESCO. |

Kapuloan Bonin, katelah di Jepang salaku Grup Ogasawara (小笠原群島 Ogasawara Guntō?) mangrupa hiji kapuloan 30 pulo subtropis jeung tropis, kira-kira 1.000 km kiduleun Tokyo, Jepang. Administratifna mangrupa bagian ti Kotamadya Ogasawara (mura) ti Subpreféktur Ogasawara, Tokyo. Total aréana 73 square kilometres (28 sq mi), kalawan populasi 2.440 (2000 di Chichijima, jeung 440 di Hahajima).
Tempo ogé
[édit | édit sumber]Réferénsi
[édit | édit sumber]- Cholmondeley, Lionel Berners. (1915). The History of the Bonin Islands from the Year 1827 to the Year 1876. London: Constable & Co. OCLC 4717954
- Freeman, Otis Willard. (1951). Geography of the Pacific. New York: Wiley. OCLC 415089
- Hawks, Francis. (1856). Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Performed in the Years 1852, 1853 and 1854 under the Command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy. Washington: A.O.P. Nicholson by order of Congress, 1856; originally published in Senate Executive Documents, No. 34 of 33rd Congress, 2nd Session. [reprinted by London:Trafalgar Square, 2005. ISBN 1-8458-8026-9 (paper)]
- Hayashi, Shihei. (1786). Sangoku Tsūran Zusetsu (三国通覧図説 An Illustrated Description of Three Countries?). Edo: Manuscript. OCLC 44014900
- Klaproth, Julius. (1832). San kokf tsou ran to sets, ou Aperçu général des trois royaumes. Paris: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. OCLC 2563166; also OCLC 561284561
- Kublin, Hyman. (1947). The Bonin Islands, 1543–1875. PhD thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- Muroga, Nobuo. (1967). Géographical exploration by the Japanese. In: Friis, Herman R. (ed.): The Pacific Basin: A history of its geographical exploration. New York.
- Sewall, John S. (1905). The Logbook of the Captain's Clerk: Adventures in the China Seas, Bangor, Maine: Chas H. Glass & Co. [reprint by Chicago: R.R. Donnelly & Sons, 1995] ISBN 0-5482-0912-X
Tumbu kaluar
[édit | édit sumber]- Désa Ogasawara (Japanese)
Koordinat: 26°59′53″N 142°13′05″E / 26.99806°N 142.21806°E
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