Caladi buruk

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Caladi buruk
Male rufous woodpecker in the Western Ghats
Status konservasi
Klasifikasi ilmiah edit
Missing taxonomy template (fix): Micropternus
Ngaran binomial
Template:Taxonomy/MicropternusMicropternus brachyurus
(Vieillot, 1818)
  • Celeus brachyurus (Vieillot, 1818)

Caladi buruk; rufous woodpecker (Micropternus brachyurus) nyaéta hiji manuk anu asalna tina kulawarga Picidae. [[ieu manuk loba kapanggih hirup diwewengkon Asia Kidul jeung Asia Tenggara.

Ciri mandir[édit | édit sumber]

Buluna coklat kolot kolot, palebah jangjang aya polét hideung ti puhu nepi ka tungtung jang–jang. Pamatuk jeung cékérna hideung. Salah sahiji anu ngabédakeun jalu jeung bikang, jaluna mibanda totol beureum dina handapeun panonna.

Ieu manuk hirup sumebar di sakuliah pulo Jawa.[2][3][4]

Taxonomy[édit | édit sumber]

Spésiés ieu baheulana disimpen dina genus "Celeus" alatan mibanda ka miripan dina katempona, tapi palebah sebaranna ieu nimbulkeun rasa cangcaya. Panalungtikan dina taun 2006 kana ngabandingkeun runtuyan DNA, dikonfirmasi yén rufous woodpecker teu raket patalina jeung "Celeus" sarta mangrupakeun sadulur ti genus "Meiglyptes" sarta pangalusna disimpen dina [[monotypic|] genus "Micropternus".[5] The.[5] Genus Micropternus didadarkeun ku Edward Blyth anumana bandinganana téh Meiglyptes dumasar kana kukuna anu panjang. Genu séjén mibanda sipat cukang irungna leuwih heureut. Sarta buntut leuwih purek/pondok.[6][7]

  • M. b. brachyurus (Vieillot, 1818) – Java.
  • M. b. humei Kloss, 1918 – along the western Himalayas has a streaked throat, greyish head and a pale face.
  • M. b. jerdonii (Malherbe, 1849)[8] [includes kanarae from the northern western ghats noted as larger by Koelz[9]] – peninsular India and Sri Lanka
  • M. b. phaioceps (Blyth, 1845) – eastern Himalayas from central Nepal to Myanmar, Yunnan and southern Thailand.
  • M. b. fokiensis (Swinhoe, 1863) – (has a sooty abdomen) southeast China and northern Vietnam.
  • M. b. holroydi Swinhoe, 1870 – Hainan.
  • M. b. williamsoni Kloss, 1918 – southern Thailand. Sometimes included within badius
  • M. b. annamensis Delacour & Jabouille, 1924 – Laos, Cambodia and southern Vietnam.
  • M. b. badius (Raffles, 1822) – [includes celaenephis of Nias Island] Malay Peninsula south to Sumatra
  • M. b. badiosus (Bonaparte, 1850) – (has a very dark tail) Borneo and north Natuna Islands

















Relationship to other genera.[5][10][11]

Katerangan[édit | édit sumber]

Gado leuwih deukeut kana tungtung tagihna

Panjang awakna kurang leuwih 25 cm, Buluna coklat poék, paselang jeung polét hideung dina puhu nepi ka tungtung jang-jangna. Bulu sirahna leuwih pias sarta leuwih kolot di palebah handapna. Dina liang irung tagihanana heureut. Buntutna pondok tur rufous kalawan mibanda polét hideung tapi dina subspésiés "badiosus" buntut poék jeung rufous gurat ipis. [12][4][13]

Kabiasaan jeung ékologi[édit | édit sumber]

M. b. phaioceps in Thailand

Caladi buruk sok nyiar hakaneun dina tatangkalan, catang kai, sayang sireum , sayang rinyuh anu ngajumpluk luhureun taneuh, kituna dibaturan ku pasanganana.[14] Sagigireun ngakan gegeremet, sakapeung sok ngakan nektar tina kekembangan Bombax jeung Erythrina.[15] [16][17][14][18][19] Boh jalu atawa bikangna nyieun sayang babarengan, endogna dua bodas anu baris disileungleunan nepi ka megar salila 12-14 poé. [4] Anakna baris diparaban dina éta sayang nepika mancing gedé. [20][21] Ieu spésiés loba kapanggih hirup di rawa-rawa Malaysia sanajan kiwari loba tempat maranéhna geus diganti ku tangkal sawit.[22] Biasana manukieu hirup di landeuh anu perenahna 3000 m.[23] This bird is not considered threatened on the IUCN Red List.

Tempo ogé[édit | édit sumber]

Dicutat tina[édit | édit sumber]

  1. BirdLife International (2016). "Micropternus brachyurus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2016: e.T22681314A92901215. Diakses pada 8 November 2021. 
  2. Robinson, H.C. (1919). "Note on certain recently described subspecies of woodpeckers". Ibis. 11 1 (2): 179–181. 
  3. Peters, James Lee (1948). Check-list of birds of the world. Volume VI. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 128–129. 
  4. a b c Short, Lester L. (1982). Woodpeckers of the World. Delaware Museum of Natural History. pp. 390–393. 
  5. a b c Benz, B.W.; Robbins, M.B.; Peterson, A.T. (2006). "Evolutionary history of woodpeckers and allies (Aves: Picidae): Placing key taxa on the phylogenetic tree". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (2): 389–399. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.02.021. PMID 16635580.  Archived 2016-03-04 di Wayback Machine
  6. Blyth, Edward (1845). "Notices and descriptions of various new or little known species of birds". Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 14: 173–212. 
  7. Ali, Salim; Ripley, S. Dillon (1983). Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Volume 4. (2 ed.). Delhi: Oxford University Press. pp. 171–181. 
  8. Malherbe, Alfred (1849). "Description de quelques nouvelles especes de Picines (Picus, Linn.)". Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée: 529–544. 
  9. Koelz, W (1950). "New subspecies of birds from southwestern Asia.". Am. Mus. Novit. 1452: 1–10. 
  10. Fuchs, J.; Pons, J.-M.; Ericson, P.G.P.; Bonillo, C.; Couloux, A.; Pasquet, E. (2008). "Molecular support for a rapid cladogenesis of the woodpecker clade Malarpicini, with further insights into the genus Picus (Piciformes: Picinae)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48 (1): 34–46. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.03.036. PMID 18487062. 
  11. Zhou, C.; Hao, Y.; Ma, J.; Zhang, W.; Chen, Y.; Chen, B.; Zhang, X.; Yue, B. (2017). "The first complete mitogenome of Picumnus innominatus (Aves, Piciformes, Picidae) and phylogenetic inference within the Picidae". Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 70: 274–282. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2016.12.003. 
  12. Buren, William F. (1958). "A Review of the Species of Crematogaster, Sensu Stricto, in North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Part I". Journal of the New York Entomological Society 66 (3/4): 119–134. JSTOR 25005661. 
  13. Blanford, W.T. (1895). The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Birds. Volume III. London: Taylor and Francis. pp. 54–58. 
  14. a b Santharam, V. (1997). "Display behaviour in Woodpeckers". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 37 (6): 98–99. 
  15. Short, L.L. (1973). "Habits of some Asian woodpeckers (Aves, Picidae)". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 152 (5): 281–283. 
  16. Santharam, V. (1998). "Drumming frequency in Woodpeckers". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 95 (3): 506–507. 
  17. Proud, Desiree (1958). "Woodpeckers drumming". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 55: 350–351. 
  18. Moreau, R.E. (1936). "Bird-Insect Nesting Associations". Ibis 78 (3): 460–471. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1936.tb03399.x. 
  19. Betts, F.N. (1934). "South Indian Woodpeckers". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 37 (1): 197–203. 
  20. Wilson, N.F.T. (1898). "The nesting of the Malabar Rufous Woodpecker Micropternus gularis". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 11 (4): 744–745. 
  21. Dalgleish, R.C. (1972). "The Penenirmus (Mallophaga: Ischnocera) of the Picidae (Aves: Piciformes)". Journal of the New York Entomological Society 80 (2): 83–104. JSTOR 25008805. 
  22. Hawa, A.; Azhar, B.; Top, M.M.; Zubaid, A. (2016). "Depauperate Avifauna in Tropical Peat Swamp Forests Following Logging and Conversion to Oil Palm Agriculture: Evidence from Mist-netting Data". Wetlands 36 (5): 899–908. [tumbu nonaktif]
  23. Rasmussen, P.C.; Anderton, J.C. (2005). Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Volume 2. Smithsonian Institution and Lynx Edicions. p. 285.