(dialihkeun ti Golejra)
Goléjra | |
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Spésiés: | P. domesticus
Ngaran binomial | |
Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Goléjra (Passer domesticus) mangrupa manuk anggota kulawarga Passeridae nu sumebar di ampir sakuliah Éropa jeung Asia. Ieu manuk sumebar ka ampir sakuliah dunya nuturkeun sumebarna manusa: ka Amérika, Aprika sub-Sahara, jeung Australia. Di Amérika, ieu manuk dibawa pikeun ngontrol hama antara taun 1850-1875.
Awak manuk goléjra panjangna 14–16 cm, mikaresep hirup di wewengkon nu iklimna sedeng. Biasana, hirupna téh deukeut jeung dayeuh atawa padumukan manusa.
Galeri poto
[édit | édit sumber]-
Nyéngclé na tutuwuhan
Goléjra jalu
Goléjra bikang
[édit | édit sumber]- BirdLife International (2004). Passer domesticus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Dipulut ping 12 Méi 2006. Éntri pangkalan data ngawengku ogé pedaran pangna ieu spésiés diasupkeun kana kategori least concern
- Passer domesticus (TSN 179628). Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Dibuka ping 9 Pébruari 2006.
Tumbu kaluar
[édit | édit sumber]Wikimedia Commons mibanda média séjénna nu patali jeung Passer domesticus. |
- ARKive - images and movies of the house sparrow Archived 2008-09-19 di Wayback Machine
- RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) webpage about the house sparrow
- Sparrows need hedges Archived 2009-10-11 di Wayback Machine helping the house sparrow in the UK
- House Sparrow videos Archived 2008-06-10 di Wayback Machine on the Internet Bird Collection]
- South Dakota Birds - House Sparrow Information and Photos
- English sparrow control hosted by the UNT Government Documents Department
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