Honda RC212V
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Pabrik | Honda Racing Corporation |
Produksi | 2006-2011 |
Nu miheulaan | Honda RC211V |
Gantina | Honda RC213V |
Mesin | 800 cc (49 cu in) 4-tak V4 |
Pakait jeung | Honda CBR600RR Honda CBR1000RR |
Honda RC212V nyaéta motor balap nu dimekarkeun pikeun balap di MotoGP 800 cc (49 cu in).[1] Sacara resmi diwanohkeun tanggal 30 Oktober 2006 minangka gaganti RC211V di MotoGP, dimekarkeun ku Honda Racing Corporation (HRC) taun 2006 sarta sacara remi mimiti dipaké balap dina usum 2007.[1]
Ngaran modél dumasar kana :[2]
- RC= Awalan balap tradisional Honda pikeun motor 4-tak [2]
- 212= Motor karya mimiti dina abad ka-21 [2]
- V= Mesin V [2]
Taun 2007, tetekon kelas MotoGP dirobah pikeun ngurangan tanaga motor nu kaleuleuwihi: kapasitas maksimum mesin 4-tak dikurangan ti 990cc jadi 800cc.[3] Honda medalkeun RC212V minangka gaganti RC211V pikeun nyumponan tetekon kalayan ngaganti mesin V-5 ku mesin V-4.[3]
[édit | édit sumber]Dani Pedrosa jeung Nicky Hayden mangrupa tim balap pabrikan nu dirojong sagemblengna ku pabrik, sedengkeun Marco Melandri, Toni Elías, Carlos Checa, sarta Shinya Nakano mangrupa tim satelit.[1] Saacan balapan usum 2007 dimimitian, Melandri cumarita, "Dina sababaraha tés panungtungan kuring nempo pamekaran nu ngaronjat dina motor Pedrosa, tapi urang mah can kabagéan suku cadang anyar ti Honda."[4]
Sanggeus sababraha rintakan, purah balap Honda teu bisa nyumponan nu dipikaharep, pupuhu HRC Satoru Horiike rumasa yén geus nyieun kasalahan dina pamekaran motor.[5] Melandri mutuskeun pikeun pindah ka tim Ducati taun 2008[6], cenah mah cukang lantaran ningalkeun Honda pedah timburu kana motor Pedrosa.[7] Panungtungan taun 2007, aya tanda-tanda pikeun ngaronjat, kalayan tim Repsol Honda ngahontal posisi pole kalima dina usum ieu sarta Pedrosa meunang dina rintakan panungtung di Valencia.[8]
[édit | édit sumber]Pikeun taun 2008, HRC ngarancanakeun pikeun migunakeun pneumatic valve springs sarta sasis anyar.[9] Pamuseuran beurat dina model taun 2007 dianggap jauh teuing, minagka gantina modél 2008, ngurangan panas sarta ngaronjatkeun kasaimbangan.[10] Tim pabrikan nyaéta Pedrosa (nepi ka taun 2009[11]) sarta Hayden (nepi ka taun 2008[12]). Purah balap tim satelit nyaéta Nakano,[13] Andrea Dovizioso,[14] Randy de Puniet[15] and Alex de Angelis.[16]
Pedrosa jeung Hayden mecakan motor mesin taun 2007 sasis taun 2008, sarta masih can nyumponan nu dipikaharep, tim Repsol Honda migunakeun mesin vérsi taun 2007 dina rintakan latihan mimiti pikeun tujuan babanding.[17] Pikeun balapan, Pedrosa milih sasis taun 2008 nu dirévisi sedengkeun Hayden milih taun 2007.[18] Mesin pneumatik mimiti dipaké balap ku Hayden di Donington, sarta manéhna didakwa ngamekarkeun mesin anyar pikeun sésa usum ieu (Pedrosa mutuskeun pikeun neruskeun maké mesin kelép konvénsional).[19] Masalah elektronik di rintakan Assen nu ngabalukarkeun Hayden béakeun bahan beuleum saacan gurat finish, nu ngalantarankeun Colin Edwards nyiap sarta ngahontal posisi sésa podium.[20]
Dina rintakan ka 13 Pedrosa ngabéwarakeun ngagantii gilinding ku Bridgestone pikeun sésa usum,[21] sarta manéhna ogé ngarancanakeun mimiti balap maké mesin kelép pneumatic dina rintakan ka in the 14 di Indianapolis.[22]
Béda ti tim Honda lianna, Tim LCR de Puniet maké suspénsi Öhlins tibatan suspénsi Showa.[23]
[édit | édit sumber]Pikeun taun 2009, purah balam tim pabrikan nyaéta Pedrosa jeung Dovizioso, sarta purah balap tim satelit nyaéta Elías, De Angelis, de Puniet sarta Yuki Takahashi; Elías dibéré spésifikasi mesin pabrikan .[24] Modél taun 2009 sebagéan badag sarua jeung taun 2008.[25][26] Kabéh RC212V (6 siki) maké mesin kelép pneumatik.[27]
Wakil persidén HRC, Shuhei Nakamoto, cumarita "Mun Dani teu meunang juara dunyaéta téh tanggung jawab Honda, lain tanggung jawab Dani,"[28] Sedengkeun Pedrosa cumarita "Kuring geus cumarita ka (Nakamoto) ogé geus cumarita ka unggal jalma, tapi sigana éta tilu taun carita nu sarua. Nu dipikahayang geus katempo datang, lain ukur dédéngéan, cumarita, atawa gempungan. Kuring nyatakeun hébat, hatur nuhun, ieu hadé."[29]
Saacan rintakan ka 6 di Katalunya, Dovizioso ngarasa hanjelu yén Pedrosa baris dibéré prioritas tés sanggeus balapan, kaayaan kondisi fisik urang Spanyol nu butut moal ngahontal évaluasi nu produktif.[30] Dina balapan, Dovizioso anggeus di posisi ka 4 sarta Pedrosa di posisi ka 6, sarta Pedrosa ngabéwarakeun manéhna moal ngalakukeun tés.[31] Migunakeun sasis anyar, Dovizioso mangrupa purah balap nu pinunjul dina tés éta.[32]
Mangsa latihan rintakan ka 7 di Assen Pedrosa nyebutkeun yén sasis anyar ngaronjatkeun dina pangeréman jeung stabilitas, tapi boh Pedrosa atawa Dovizioso labuh dina balapan dina péngkolan nu sarua.[33] Dina rintakan saterusna di Laguna Seca, Pedrosa meunang balapan, sedengkeun Dovizioso labuh.[34]
Mangsa tés sanggeus balapan di Brno, tim Repsol mecakan komponén suspénsi Öhlins, nu nepikeun ka kiwari keur maké Showa.[35] For the San Marino round, Dovizioso will use Öhlins and Pedrosa will use Showa suspension.[36]
Usum taun 2009 lekasan kalayan 3 kali kameunangan pikeun tim Repsol Honda —2 kali pikeun Pedrosa sarta sakali pikeun Dovizioso—sarta juara ka 2 konstruktor pikeun Honda.[37] Pedrosa jeung Dovizioso ngahontal waktu panggancangna ka 3 jeung ka 6 dina mangsa 3 poé tés.[38][39]
[édit | édit sumber]Pikeun usum balap 2010, purah balap tim pabrikan nyaéta Pedrosa jeung Dovizioso, sarta purah balap tim satelit nyaéta Hiroshi Aoyama, de Puniet, Melandri sarta Marco Simoncelli.[40] Sistim éléktronik dironjatkeun, sarta motor leuwih pondok kalayan puseur gravitasi leuwih luhur.[41] Ogé, Honda ngarékrut Andre Zugna jeung Cristian Battaglia, baheulana insinyur balap tim Yamaha , sarta Carlo Luzzi, baheulana teknisi télémétri Jorge Lorenzo di Yamaha.[42]
Dumasar hiji panalungtikan tés saacan usum balap di Sepang jeung Qatar, Dovizioso rata-rata ngalakukeun tés di posisi katilu, sedengkeun Pedrosa di posisi kasalapan.[43] Pedrosa humadeuar masalah suspénsi jeung sasis,[44] sarta di usum balapan mimiti di Qatar, Dovizioso anggeus di posisi katilu, sedengkeun Pedrosa anggeus di posisi katujuh.[45] Pedrosa ngarasa motorna oyag-oyagan di bagéan hareup nalika lempeng, sarta Honda nétélakeun yén maranéhna geus nyieun kasalahan dina ngadesain sasis.[46]
Kalayan rintakan saterusna di Jerez, Pedrosa maké motor sasis anyar[47] sarta anggeus balapan di posisi kadua sarta Dovizioso anggeus di posisi kagenep; dina mangsa tés sanggeus balapan, Pedrosa anggeus leuwih gancang sarta Dovizioso di posisi kalima, Pedrosa migunakeun motor kalayan leungeun ayun (swingarm) anyar jeung sasis anyar.[48][49] Pedrosa cumarita sarta Honda negeskeun yén masalah sénsor bahan beuleum nu ngabalukarkeun RC212V ngalaunan di lap panungtung.[50]
Di rintakan katilu di Le Mans, Dovizioso anggeus balapan di posisi katilu sarta Pedrosa di posisi kalima kasiap di lap panungtung ku Dovizioso jeung Hayden, tuluy Pedrosa ngalaporkeun lantaran aya masalah dina rém tukang.[51] Melandri balik deui maké suspénsi Showa sarta anggeus balapan di posisi kagenep.[52] Di rintakan ka genep di Mugello, Pedrosa meunang balapan, Dovizioso anggeus di posisi katilu sarta Melandri anggeus di posisi kalima. [53] Pedrosa migunakeun suspénsi tukang taun 2009.[54] Dina mangsa latihan mimiti di rintakan ka 14 di Motegi, kabel gas macét sarta ngabalukarkeun Pedrosa kacilakaan nu ngabalukarkeun tulang salangkana potong, antukna manéhna teu milu balapan.[55] Di rintakan ka 16 di Australia, Dovizioso motorna aya masalah antukna teu anggues balapan.[56] Usum balapan réngsé kalawan Honda ngahontal juara kadua konstruktor MotoGP kalawan peunteun 342, kacék 62 di tukangeun Yamaha juara kahiji sarta 56 di hareupeun Ducati juara katilu.[57]
[édit | édit sumber]Pikeun taun 2011 tim pabrikan dirojong ku Andrea Dovizioso, Dani Pedrosa, Casey Stoner, sarta Marco Simoncelli sedengkeun purah balam tim satelit nyaéta Hiroshi Aoyama and Toni Elías. Purah balap Honda pinunjul dina mangsa tés saacan usum balapan.[58] Frame geometry and rigidity are the same as the previous year, making the 2011 bike an evolution of the 2010 version. Salah sahiji pamekaran mesin 2011 nyaéta "transmisi tanpa wates".[59] Stoner jeung Dovizioso milih maké sasis taun 2011, sedengkeun Pedrosa milih angger migunakeun vérsi taun 2010 nu leuwih fléksibel .[60][61]
Sanggeus rintakan katilu di Estoril, Dovizioso mimiti migunakeun desain kupling anyar pikeun ngurangan motor ajol-ajolan nalika ngerém.[62]
Honda ngahontal juara konstruktor kalayan 13 kali kameunangan nyaéta Stoner sapuluh kali meunang sarta Pedrosa tilu kali meunang.[63]
[édit | édit sumber]2007[64] | 2008[65] | 2009[66] | 2010[67] | 2011[68] | ||
Panjang | 2,050 mm (80.7 in) | 2,060 mm (81.1 in) | 2,052 mm (80.8 in) | |||
Rubak | 645 mm (25.4 in) | |||||
Jangkung | 1,125 mm (44.3 in) | 1,110 mm (43.7 in) | ||||
Jarak gilinding | 1,440 mm (56.7 in) | 1,450 mm (57.1 in) | 1,435 mm (56.5 in) | |||
Jarak jalan | 125 mm (4.9 in) | 115 mm (4.5 in) | ||||
Beurat | over 148 kg (326 lb) | over 150 kg (331 lb) | ||||
Tipeu mesin | Liquid-cooled, Four-stroke, DOHC 4 Valve, V-4 | |||||
Kapasitas | 800 cc (49 cu in) | |||||
Tanaga Maksimal | Over 210 PS (154 kW; 207 hp) | Over 155 kW (208 hp) | ||||
Tipeu Sasis | Aluminum Twin-tube | |||||
Ukuran Gilinding | ||||||
Hareup | 16 in (41 cm) | 16.5 in (42 cm) | ||||
Mérek | Michelin | Michelin, Bridgestone | Bridgestone | |||
Tukang | 16.5 in (42 cm) | |||||
Suspénsi | ||||||
Hareup | Telescopic fork | |||||
Suspénsi | Showa SPL | Showa SPL, Öhlins | Öhlins | |||
Tukang | New Unit Pro-link | Pro-link | ||||
Kapasitas Bahan Beuleum | 21 L (4.6 imp gal; 5.5 US gal) |
Kasimpulan hasil MotoGP
[édit | édit sumber]Meunang Gelar
Purah balap: 2011 (Casey Stoner) [63]
Konstruktor: 2011 [63]
Meunang Balapan
Total: 24
2011: Stoner 10, Pedrosa 3 [63]
2010: Pedrosa 4 [57]
2009: Pedrosa 2, Dovizioso 1 [69]
2008: Pedrosa 2 [70]
2007: Pedrosa 2 [71]
2006: Pedrosa 2 [72]
Total: 11
2011: Stoner 12, Pedrosa 3 [73]
2010: Pedrosa 4, Dovizioso 1 [74]
2009: Pedrosa 2 [75]
2008: Pedrosa 2 [76]
2007: Pedrosa 5, Hayden 1 [77]
Hasil MotoGP lengkep
[édit | édit sumber](katerangan) (hasil nu tulisan kandel nandakeun posisi pole; hasil nu tulisan in idéngdék nandakeun lap panggancangna) (tim nu ditulis kandel nandakeun tim pabrikan; purah balap nu ditulis kandel nandakeun tim satelit maké motor pabrikan)
Taun | Gilinding | Tim | No. | Purah balap | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | Peunteun | Juara |
2007 | QAT | ESP | TUR | CHN | FRA | ITA | CAT | GBR | NED | GER | USA | CZE | RSM | POR | JPN | AUS | MAL | VAL | ||||||
M | Repsol Honda Team | 1 | Nicky Hayden | 8 | 7 | 7 | 12 | Ret | 10 | 11 | 17 | 3 | 3 | Ret | 3 | 13 | 4 | 9 | Ret | 9 | 8 | 127 | Ka 8 | |
26 | Dani Pedrosa | 3 | 2 | Ret | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 4 | Ret | 2 | Ret | 4 | 3 | 1 | 242 | Ka 2 | |||
Honda LCR | 7 | Carlos Checa | Ret | 6 | 12 | 10 | Ret | Ret | 17 | Ret | 11 | 14 | 14 | 10 | 6 | 7 | 18 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 65 | Ka 14 | ||
B | Honda Gresini | 24 | Toni Elías | 14 | 4 | 2 | Ret | Ret | 6 | Ret | 12 | 11 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 15 | 6 | 10 | 104 | Ka 12 | ||||
33 | Marco Melandri | 5 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 6 | 3 | WD | 4 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 4 | 187 | Ka 5 | |||
17 | Miguel Duhamel | Ret | 0 | NC | ||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Michel Fabrizio | 10 | 6 | Ka 21 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M | Konica Minolta Honda | 56 | Shinya Nakano | 10 | 10 | 13 | Ret | Ret | 13 | 15 | 14 | 12 | Ret | 12 | 14 | 10 | 11 | 16 | 13 | 16 | 14 | 47 | Ka 17 | |
2008 | QAT | ESP | POR | CHN | FRA | ITA | CAT | GBR | NED | GER | USA | CZE | RSM | IND | JPN | AUS | MAL | VAL | ||||||
M B[N 1] | Repsol Honda Team | 2 | Dani Pedrosa | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | Ret | 15 | 4 | 8 | 3 | Ret | 2 | 2 | 249 | Ka 3 | ||
M | 69 | Nicky Hayden | 10 | 4 | Ret | 6 | 8 | 13 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 13 | 5 | DNS | 2 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 155 | Ka 6 | |||
8 | Tadayuki Okada | 14 | 2 | Ka 21 | ||||||||||||||||||||
JiR Team Scot MotoGP | 4 | Andrea Dovizioso | 4 | 8 | Ret | 11 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 5 | 9 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 174 | Ka 5 | ||
LCR Honda MotoGP | 14 | Randy de Puniet | 9 | Ret | 15 | 13 | 9 | Ret | Ret | 12 | Ret | 8 | 6 | 16 | Ret | 13 | 12 | 9 | 10 | 15 | 61 | Ka 15 | ||
B | San Carlo Honda Gresini | 15 | Alex de Angelis | Ret | 14 | 11 | 16 | 12 | 4 | Ret | 15 | Ret | 4 | 13 | 8 | Ret | 10 | 17 | Ret | 14 | 10 | 63 | Ka 14 | |
56 | Shinya Nakano | 13 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 4 | 12 | 17 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 126 | Ka 9 | |||
2009 | B | QAT | JPN | ESP | FRA | ITA | CAT | NED | USA | GER | GBR | CZE | IND | RSM | POR | AUS | MAL | VAL | ||||||
Repsol Honda Team | 3 | Dani Pedrosa | 11 | 3 | 2 | 3 | Ret | 6 | Ret | 1 | 3 | 9 | 2 | 10 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 234 | Ka 3 | |||
4 | Andrea Dovizioso | 5 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Ret | Ret | Ret | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 6 | Ret | 8 | 160 | Ka 6 | ||||
LCR Honda MotoGP | 14 | Randy de Puniet | 10 | 11 | 4 | 14 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 9 | Ret | 3 | 10 | 12 | 12 | 11 | 8 | Ret | 11 | 106 | Ka 11 | |||
San Carlo Honda Gresini | 15 | Alex de Angelis | 6 | 13 | 14 | 11 | 15 | 12 | 10 | 11 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 2 | Ret | Ret | 4 | 12 | 10 | 111 | Ka 9 | |||
24 | Toni Elías | 9 | 15 | 9 | 10 | 14 | Ret | 12 | 6 | 6 | Ret | 3 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 6 | 115 | Ka 7 | ||||
Scot Racing Team | 72 | Yuki Takahashi | 15 | Ret | 12 | 13 | Ret | Ret | 15 | 9 | Ka 21 | |||||||||||||
41 | Gábor Talmácsi | 17 | 16 | Ret | 15 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 19 | Ka 17 | |||||||||
2010 | B | QAT | ESP | FRA | ITA | GBR | NED | CAT | GER | USA | CZE | IND | RSM | ARA | JPN | MAL | AUS | POR | VAL | |||||
Repsol Honda Team | 4 | Andrea Dovizioso | 3 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 14 | 5 | 4 | Ret | 5 | 4 | Ret | 2 | 2 | Ret | 3 | 5 | 206 | Ka 5 | ||
26 | Dani Pedrosa | 7 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 1 | Ret | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | DNS | DNS | 8 | 7 | 245 | Ka 2 | ||||
Interwetten Honda MotoGP | 7 | Hiroshi Aoyama | 10 | 14 | 11 | 11 | DNS | 12 | 12 | 13 | 10 | 7 | 13 | 12 | 14 | 53 | Ka 15 | |||||||
64 | Kousuke Akiyoshi[N 2] | 15 | 13 | 4 | Ka 20 | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Alex de Angelis | 12 | 12 | 13 | 11 | Ka 18 | ||||||||||||||||||
LCR Honda MotoGP | 14 | Randy de Puniet | 6 | 9 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | Ret | 10 | 13 | 13 | Ret | 9 | 10 | 10 | 6 | 10 | 116 | Ka 9 | |||
95 | Roger Lee Hayden | 11 | 5 | Ka 19 | ||||||||||||||||||||
San Carlo Honda Gresini | 33 | Marco Melandri | 13 | 8 | 6 | 5 | Ret | DNS | 9 | 10 | 8 | 8 | Ret | 10 | 9 | 11 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 13 | 103 | Ka 10 | ||
58 | Marco Simoncelli | 11 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 7 | 9 | Ret | 6 | Ret | 11 | 7 | 14 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 125 | Ka 8 | |||
2011 | B | QAT | ESP | POR | FRA | CAT | GBR | NED | ITA | GER | USA | CZE | IND | RSM | ARA | JPN | AUS | MAL | VAL | |||||
Repsol Honda Team | 4 | Andrea Dovizioso | 4 | 12 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 5 | Ret | 5 | 3 | C | 3 | 228 | Ka 3 | ||
26 | Dani Pedrosa | 3 | 2 | 1 | Ret | 8 | 1 | 3 | Ret | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | C | 5 | 219 | Ka 4 | ||||||
27 | Casey Stoner | 1 | Ret | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | C | 1 | 350 | Ka 1 | |||
7 | Hiroshi Aoyama[N 3] | 8 | 8 (98) | Ka 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Honda Racing Team | 72 | Shinichi Ito[N 4] | 13 | 3 | Ka 22 | |||||||||||||||||||
San Carlo Honda Gresini | 58 | Marco Simoncelli | 5 | Ret | Ret | 5 | 6 | Ret | 9 | 5 | 6 | Ret | 3 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | C[N 5] | 139 | Ka 6 | |||
7 | Hiroshi Aoyama | 10 | 4 | 7 | 8 | Ret | 9 | 11 | 15 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 11 | 11 | 9 | Ret | C | 12 | 90 (98) | Ka 10 | ||||
64 | Kousuke Akiyoshi[N 6] | 13 | 3 (7) | Ka 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||
LCR Honda MotoGP | 24 | Toni Elías | Ret | 9 | 11 | 11 | 13 | 8 | 10 | 15 | 16 | 13 | 11 | 13 | 15 | Ret | Ret | 8 | C | 10 | 61 | Ka 15 | ||
23 | Ben Bostrom | Ret | 0 | NC | ||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Kousuke Akiyoshi[N 7] | 12 | 4 (7) | Ka 20 |
- ↑ Sanggeus anggeus di Misano, Dani Pedrosa ganti gilinding kana Bridgestone pikeun sésa balapan.
- ↑ Kousuke Akiyoshi ngaganti pikeun Hiroshi Aoyama tim Interwetten Honda .
- ↑ Aoyama ngaganti Dani Pedrosa maké motor pabrikan Repsol Honda pikeun Dutch TT di Assen, sanggeus Pedrosa tatu di Grand Prix perancis
- ↑ Di GP Motegi di Jepang taun 2011, Ito jeung Kousuke Akiyoshi dibéré wildcard pikeun "Boga wawanén sarta nunjukkeun pangrojong pikeun wewengkon Jepang Wétan", nu geus kacida susah sanggeus kajadian 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. Ito baris balap pikeun HRC Honda - maké motor Honda RC212V spésifikasi pabrikan.
- ↑ Marco Simoncelli tatu parna mangsa Grand Prix Malaysia sarta balapan dieureunkeun.
- ↑ Akiyoshi ngaganti sakali deui Aoyama tim Gresini Racing pikeun Dutch TT 2011, henteu lantaran tatu, sakumaha Aoyama ngaganti Dani Pedrosa di Repsol Honda.
- ↑ Akiyoshi ogé balapan di Grand Prix Jepang minangka wildcard kalayan LCR Honda – bareng jeung Shinichi Ito, balapan pikeun HRC Honda – sabagé isyarat dukungan pikeun maranéhna nu keuna ku gempa bumi Tōhoku jeung tsunami bulan Maret 2011.
Dicutat tina
[édit | édit sumber]- ↑ a b c "Honda RC212V". 2007-02-28. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ a b c d "We Ride Honda's RC211V GP bike". 2007-02-28. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ a b "Honda RC212V". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Melandri Still Waiting on Equal Machinery". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2012-03-29 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Chércoles, Mela (2007-05-08). "Honda admite que se ha equivocado" (dalam bahasa Spanish). Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Melandri to ride for Ducati in 2008". 2007-07-22. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ Noyes, Dennis (2007-08-22). "Pedrosa in Talks with Honda, (Possibly) Kawasaki". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Honda wins final MotoGP of 2007". Diakses pada 17 Juni 2007
- ↑ "2008 RC212V Unveiled by Repsol Honda". 2007-11-06. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Adams, Dean (2007-11-27). "Nick Hayden Interview: Epilog". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2011-06-10 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Moody, Toby (2007-09-21). "Pedrosa confirmed until 2009". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Hayden re-signs for Honda". 2007-09-02. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Nakano Signs Gresini Honda Deal". 2007-10-25. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Dovizioso confirms MotoGP move". 2007-09-15. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ Moody, Toby (2007-08-24). "De Puniet signs two-year deal with LCR". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ Birt, Matthew (2007-09-15). "Estoril MotoGP: Alex de Angelis to join Gresini Honda". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ Moody, Toby (2008-03-06). "Honda to run last year's bike in practice". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ Young, Colin (2008-03-09). "MOTOGP: Stoner Victorious Under the Lights". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2008-03-13 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Strang, Simon; Lostia, Michele (2008-06-25). "Hayden to continue with pneumatic engine". Autosport. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Hayden assured of electronic issue resolution". 2008-07-07. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2012-02-10 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pedrosa switches to Bridgestone with immediate effect". 2008-08-31. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2014-11-11 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pedrosa to race pneumatic at Indy". 2008-09-05. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Cecchinello outlines LCR Honda strategies". 2008-03-17. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "TEAM SAN CARLO HONDA GRESINI - DEFINED SPORTS PROGRAMME FOR 2009". Gresini Racing. 2008-10-02. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ McLaren, Peter (2009-02-08). "Pedrosa: Why I didn’t want a 'new' Honda". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ McLaren, Peter (2009-02-10). "Dovizioso goes with 'old' chassis". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "MotoGP, la Honda satellite 2009 avrà le valvole pneumatiche" (dalam bahasa Italian). 2008-11-26. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 [tumbu nonaktif]
- ↑ Young, Colin (2009-04-30). "Nakamoto: Blame Honda if Dani Doesn’t Win". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2009-05-06 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Young, Colin (2009-05-15). "Pedrosa Admits Frustration With Honda". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2009-05-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Lostia, Michele; Beer, Matt (2009-06-13). "Dovizioso wants to test Honda upgrades". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "No Barcelona regrets for Pedrosa". 2009-06-14. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Testing top man Dovizioso ‘not strong enough, but close’". 2009-06-16. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Beer, Matt (2009-06-25). "Pedrosa feeling in better shape". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Race results - Laguna Seca MotoGP". 2024-07-05. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Dovizioso To Run Ohlins For Rest Of Season". 2009-09-03. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Dovizioso to use Öhlins suspension at Misano". 2009-09-03. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "MotoGP World Standing 2009". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Honda Strikes Back?". 2009-11-09. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2009-11-12 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pedrosa, Dovizioso make 2010 RCV debut". 2009-11-09. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "2010 MotoGP Teams". 2010-04-23. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017
- ↑ "A technical view of the RC212V from Lucio Cecchinello". 2010-02-09. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Garcia Casanova, Germán (2009-11-01). "La ‘fuga de cerebros’ de Yamaha nutrirá a Honda HRC" (dalam bahasa Spanish). Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2011-07-14 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Noyes, Dennis (2010-03-23). "Countdown To Qatar, Pt. I". Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2010-04-30 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pedrosa: "We’ve advanced with the electronics, but the chassis needs to be adjusted a bit more"". 2010-03-01. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "2010 MotoGP Qatar Results". 2010-05-24. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017[tumbu nonaktif]
- ↑ Young, Colin (2010-04-23). "Big Problems For Little Pedrosa". Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2010-04-27 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Chassis changes help Pedrosa". 2010-04-30. Diarsipkan dari yang asli on 2010-05-05. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Pedrosa wraps up Jerez Test with top time". 2010-05-03. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Jerez Test reviewed: The riders’ reaction". 2010-05-04. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2012-09-17 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Young, Colin (2010-05-20). "Honda RC212V Faster Than It Looks". Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2010-05-22 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pedrosa dissatisfied with fifth". 2010-05-24. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Melandri: "This year is the last chance"". 2010-05-24. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2013-07-19 di Wayback Machine
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- ↑ "Technical hitch ends Dovizioso podium run". 2010-10-18. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2012-09-24 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ a b "MotoGP World Standing 2010". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ Noyes, Dennis (2011-02-11). "Noyes’ Notebook - Honda Goes For Broke". Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2011-02-07 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "MotoGP 2011 HRC Team Principal Shuhei Nakamoto Track Report, v.1". 2011-03-23. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ McLaren, Peter (2011-02-28). "The Repsol Honda MotoGP chassis options". Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ Garcia Casanova, Germán (2011-03-19). "Pedrosa: "Voy a correr con el chasis de 2010 porque lo conozco mejor"" (dalam bahasa Spanish). Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2011-03-23 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Dovizioso targeting podium with new clutch". 2011-05-12. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ a b c d "MotoGP World Standing 2011". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Honda Worldwide - Motor Sports - MotoGP – Spec". Honda Racing. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2017.
- ↑ "Honda Worldwide - Motor Sports - MotoGP – Spec". Honda Racing. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2017.
- ↑ "Honda Worldwide - Motor Sports - MotoGP – Spec". Honda Racing. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2017.
- ↑ "Honda Worldwide - Motor Sports - MotoGP – Spec". Honda Racing. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2017.
- ↑ "Honda Worldwide - Motor Sports - MotoGP – Spec". Honda Racing. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2017.
- ↑ "MotoGP World Standing 2009". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "MotoGP World Standing 2008". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2016-09-28 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "MotoGP World Standing 2007". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "MotoGP World Standing 2006". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Pole Positions Statistics 2011". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Pole Positions Statistics 2010". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Pole Positions Statistics 2009". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017
- ↑ "Pole Positions Statistics 2008". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2020-09-28 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Pole Positions Statistics 2007". Citakan:ISO date/fr2. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2017 Archived 2016-04-10 di Wayback Machine
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Balap motor Grand Prix, 2000–2009
| |||||||||||
Seri | Pabrik | 2000s | |||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||
MotoGP 500 cc 990 cc 800 cc |
Aprilia | RSW 500 | RS Cube | ||||||||
Ducati | Desmosedici GP3/GP4/GP5/GP6 | GP7/GP8/GP9 | |||||||||
Honda | NSR500 | RC211V | RC212V | ||||||||
Ilmor | X3 | ||||||||||
Kawasaki | ZX-RR | ZX-RR | |||||||||
Suzuki | RGV500 | GSV-R | GSV-R | ||||||||
Team Roberts | Proton KR3 | Proton KR5 | KR211V | KR212V | |||||||
Yamaha | YZR500 | YZR-M1 | YZR-M1 | ||||||||
250 cc | Aprilia | RSW 250 | RSA 250 | ||||||||
Gilera | RSW 250 | RSA 250 | |||||||||
Honda | NSR250 | RS250RW | |||||||||
RS250R | |||||||||||
KTM | 250 FRR | ||||||||||
Yamaha | YZR250 | ||||||||||
TZ250 | |||||||||||
125 cc | Aprilia | RSW 125 | RSA 125 | ||||||||
Derbi | 125 GP | RSW 125 | RSA 125 | ||||||||
Gilera | 125 GP | RSW 125 | |||||||||
Honda | RS125R | ||||||||||
Italjet | F125 | ||||||||||
KTM | 125 FRR | ||||||||||
Loncin | 125 | ||||||||||
Malaguti | 125 | ||||||||||
TSR-Honda | AC11M/AC12M |