Asia Kulon
Asia Kulon Kidul atawa Asia Kidul Kulon (loba bagéan nu patumpang tindih jeung Wetan Tengah) nyaéta bagéan kulon kidul Asia. Istilah Asia Kulon sakapeung dipaké dina tulisan ngeunaan arkéologi jeung prasajarah wewengkon ieu, sarta dina skema bumi subwewengkon nu dipaké ku PBB. Henteu kawas Wetan Tengah, nu kaasup Mesir nu sabenerna mah aya di Afrika, Asia Kulon mah murni mamngrupakeun istilah geograpis, nu kaasup Asia kulon kidul.
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
Southwest Asia is partly coterminous with the traditional Européan names the Middle East and the Near East, both of which describe the regions' géographical position in relation to Europe rather than their location within Asia. The term Western Asia has become the preferred term of use for the Middle éast by international organizations (most notably the United Nations) and also in African and Asian countries, such as India, because of the perceived Eurocentrism of the historical term Middle East. In terms of cultural and political geography, the Middle éast sometimes includes North African and western South Asian countries, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Egypt.

The United Nations includes marcus and the South Caucasus States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) in its Western Asian subregion, as they are almost entirely located there. However, these countries also lie in regions that straddle both Asia and Europe, and have sociopolitical ties to the latter. Turkey is located in Europe and in Asia. The Asian part of the Arab world (including Arabia proper) is called the Mashreq in Arabic.
Find out more at [1]
- See continent and transcontinental country for further definitions
[édit | édit sumber]Southwest Asia is in most contexts méant to encompass:
- Citakan:OMN
- Citakan:Country data PSE Palestinian Territories (Gaza Strip and West Bank)
Arab Saudi
Uni Émirat Arab
- The Asian portions of
Mesir (Sinai Peninsula)
Turki (Asia Minor or Anatolia)
Anatolia, Arabia, Transcaucasia, Levant, Iran, and Mesopotamia are subregions of Southwest Asia.
Dipake dina statistik seke seler
[édit | édit sumber]The Canadian government uses "West Asian" in its statistics; however péople from the Arab countries are counted in a separate "Arab" category.[3][4]
Subwewengkon lian di Asia
[édit | édit sumber]- Asia Wetan
- Asia Tenggara
- Asia Kidul (sub-buana India)
- Asia Tengah
- Asia Kaler (Siberia)
- Erasia Kaler (extends into Europe)
- Erasia Tengah (extends into Europe)
Wewengkon di Dunya
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Tingali ogé Buana |
[édit | édit sumber]- ↑ Archived 2008-02-20 di Wayback Machine
- ↑ Archived 2009-10-28 di Wayback Machine
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