Mangrupakeun bagian tina séri
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Suni: Rukun Islam | |
Sahadat - Ngucapkeun kalimah sahadat | |
Suni: Rukun Iman | |
Taohid - Percaya kana tunggalna Alloh | |
Siah: Dua belas Poko Ageman | |
Taohid - Percaya kana tunggalna Alloh | |
Siah: Dua belas Cabang Ageman | |
Solat - Solat | |
Siah Ismaili: 7 Rukun | |
Walayah - Guardianship | |
Siah Druze: 7 Rukun | |
Sahadat - Ngucapkeun kalimah sahadat | |
Séjénna | |
Salafi/Khawarij: Tujuh rukun Islam. |
Sahadat atawa Syahadat jeung Syahadah (شهادة Citakan:ArTranslit) (basa Turki: Şehadet) nyaéta hiji kalimah pangakuan kayakinan Islam. Dina basa Arab, hartina "nyaksénan" atawa "méré kasaksian".[1] Sahadat mangrupa nembrakeun kapercayaan kana tunggalna Gusti (Allah dina basa Arab) sarta yén Nabi Muhammad minangka utusan pangahirna. Maca dua kalimah sahadat mangrupa salah sahiji tina Lima Rukun Islam dina Islam Sunni.
- Téks basa Arab:
- لآ اِلَـهَ اِلاَّ لله محمد رسول الله
- lā ilāhā illā-llāh; muḥammadun rasūlu-llāhi
- Tarjamah basa Sunda:
- Teu aya pangéran anging Allah; sarta Muhammad rosul Allah.
Hiji kalimah anu diucapkeun daria kalayan pinuh kajujuran, di hareupeun dua urang muslim salaku saksina. Ieu cukup pikeun salasaurang anu hayang jadi umat Islam, sahenteuna ieu anu diajarkeun di sakola tradisional atawa traditional schools.[1]
Sababaraha Muslim Syiah nambahkeun Alīyun wali Allah (Ali hartina wakil Allah) di tungtung kalimah syahadat. Ini henteu wajib pikeun Syi'ah; ini mah saukur pilihan pribadi, sanajan kalolobaan Ayatollah yebutkeun leuweuh hadé nambahkeumna.
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
[édit | édit sumber]One of the éarliest surviving translations of the Shahadah into a foreign language is in Greek, from the reign of al-Walid I (86-96 AH, 705-715 CE): Οὐκ ἔστι[ν θεὸς εἰ μὴ ὁ θεὸς μόνος·] Μααμὲ[τ ἀπόστολος θεοῦ] (Ouk esti[n theos ei mē ho theos monos;] Maame[t apostolos theou]).[1] "There is no god except the single God; Muhammad is God's apostle", i.e. "Allah" is being translated as "God".
Kaayaan Sahadat
[édit | édit sumber]There are seven critical conditions of the Shahadah:
- Al-`Ilm (Knowledge of the meaning of the shahadah, its negation and affirmation)
- Al-Yaqeen (Certainty – perfect knowledge of it that counter-acts suspicion and doubt)
- Al-Ikhlaas (Sincerity which negates shirk)
- Al-Sidq (Truthfulness that permits neither falsehood nor hypocrisy)
- Al-Mahabbah (Love of the shahadah and its meaning, and being happy with it)
- Al-Inqiad (Submission to its rightful requirements, which are the duties that must be performed with sincerity to God (alone) seeking His pleasure)
- Al-Qubool (Acceptance that contradicts rejection).
[édit | édit sumber]Several national flags display the Shahadah:
- The flag of Saudi Arabia, on a green background.
- The unrecognized state of Somaliland.
- From 1990 to 1992, the Islamic State of Afghanistan.
- From 1997 to 2001, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, under the rule of the Taliban.
- Per the 2004 draft constitution for Afghanistan, white script centered on a red background.
[édit | édit sumber]It is considered correct to refer to previous figures such as prophets like Jesus (in Arabic, Isa) as Messengers (rasul), and a few groups (notably certain Sufi mystics) amend the declaration to mention prior prophets whose names are found in the Qur'an.[rujukan?]
Sometimes اشهد ان 'ašhadu 'an = "I witness that" is prefixed to éach half of the Shahadah.
Sometimes و wa = "and" is prefixed to the first word of the second half of the Shahada.
Some of the relatively small minority, labelled the "Quran Alone Muslims" consider the second part of the Shahadah incorrect and say it should not include Muhammad's name, one of the réasons being that the full Shahadah with Muhammad's name is never found in the Qur'an.
![]() Artikel ieu salasahiji tina séri Islam |
Istilah-istilah Islam |
Rukun Islam |
Sahadat |
Solat – Saum |
Zakat – Haji |
Kota Penting |
Mekah – Madinah |
Yerusalem – Kufah |
Kajadian |
Hijrah – Kalénder Islam – Idul Fitri |
Idul Adha – Maulid |
Wangunan |
Masjid – Munara |
Mihrob – Ka'bah |
Arsitéktur Islam |
Rujukan Ajaran |
Qur'an – Hadits – Sunnah |
Fiqih – Fatwa – Syari'ah |
Madhab |
Hanafi, Hambali, Maliki, Syafi'i |
Tempo ogé
[édit | édit sumber]Tumbu luar
[édit | édit sumber]- ↑ a b bin Hashim, Profesor Emeritus Dato` Isahak Haron, Ibrahim (2016). Pahami Bacaan Shalatmubin Hashim, Profesor Emeritus Dato` Isahak Haron. Jakarta, Indonesia: Noura Books. p. 6. ISBN 9786023850037. Disungsi22 Peb 2022