Abad: | abad ka-20 - abad ka-21 - abad ka-22 |
Dékade: | 1970-an 1980-an 1990-an 2000-an 2010-an 2020-an 2030-an |
Taun: | 2004 2005 2006 - 2007 - 2008 2009 2010 |
Taun 2007 dumasar jejer: |
Warta dumasar bulan |
Jan - Péb - Mar - Apr - Méi - Jun Jul - Agu - Sep - Okt - Nop - Dés |
Seni |
Arsitéktur - Seni - Literatur - Musik (Country, UK) - Film - Televisi - Home video |
Pulitik |
Pmilu - Pamingpin internasional - Pulitik - Pamingpn nagara |
Élmu jeung téhnologi |
Arkéologi - Penerbangan - Birding/Ornithology - Meteorology - Rail transport - Science - Spaceflight |
Olah raga |
Sport - Australian Football League - Baseball - Football (soccer) - Ice Hockey - Motor Racing - Tennis |
Dumasar tempat |
Africa - Argentina - Australia - Canada - Denmark - India - Iraq - Ireland - Japan - Luxembourg - Malaysia - Mexico - New Zealand - Philippines - Singapore - South Africa - Switzerland - United Kingdom -Wales - Zimbabwe |
Jejer lianna |
Deaths - Awards - Gay rights - Games - Law - Religious leaders - Video gaming |
Kategori babar jeung pupus |
Births - Deaths |
Kategori ngadeg jeung turun |
Establishments - Disestablishments |
Kategori pagawéan |
Works |
Kalénder Gregorian | 2007 MMVII | ||||||||||
Ab urbe condita | 2760 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Arménia | 1456 ԹՎ
| ||||||||||
Kalénder Cina | 4643/4703-11-13 (丙戌年十一月十三日) — nepi ka — 4644/4704-11-22(丁亥年十一月廿二日) | ||||||||||
Kalénder Étiopia | 1999 – 2000 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Yahudi | 5767 – 5768 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Hindu | |||||||||||
- Vikram Samvat | 2062 – 2063 | ||||||||||
- Shaka Samvat | 1929 – 1930 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Iran | 1385 – 1386 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Islam | 1428 – 1429 | ||||||||||
Kalénder Jepang | Heisei 19 (平成19年) | ||||||||||
- Taun penjajahan | Kōki 2667 (皇紀2667年) | ||||||||||
- Jaman Jōmon | 12007 | ||||||||||
Kalénder panonpoé Thai | 2550 | ||||||||||
2007 (MMVII) nyaéta taun biasa nu dimimitian ku poé Senén dina kalénder Gregori. Taun ieu mangrupa taun ka-2007 Maséhi, taun ka-7 dina abad ka-21, sarta taun ka-7 dina 2000-an. Taun ieu ogé mangrupa taun nu keur kaalaman ku urang kiwari. Taun ieu diancer-ancer
lolobana waktu dina taun 2007 babarengan jeung Taun Babi dina kalénder Cina (tanggal nepi ka 17 Pébruari aya dina Taun Anjing). Taun Babi satuluyna bakal dimimitian taun 1600. 2007 ogé jadi taun Pisces dina Astrologi Kulon. Taun satuluyna keur https://solitaire.fungame.studio/asd/YYZF6 nyaéta 2400.
[édit | édit sumber]Januari
[édit | édit sumber]Januari | ||||||
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29 | 30 | 31 |
- 1 Januari - Seventh Framework Programme, dina Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, geus dikaluarkeun.
- 1 Januari - Hong Kong ngawanohkeun lrangan ngudud dina fasilitas publik jero rohangan
- 1 Januari - Bal ragrag jam 12:00 AM di Manhattan, New York di Times Square.
- 1 Januari - Bulgaria jeung Romania ngagabung ka Uni Éropa.
- 1 Januari - Basa Irlandia (katelah ogé Gaeilge) jadi basa resmi di Uni Éropa.
- 1 Januari - Slovénia maké Euro minangka mata duit, ngaganti tolar.
- 1 Januari - Kode International Standard Book Number (ISBN) nambahan panjangna tina 10 jadi 13 digit.
![]() |
Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
- 1 Januari - South Korea's Ban Ki-moon becomes the new UN Secretary-General, replacing Kofi Annan.
- 1 Januari - Brazilian présidént Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva starts his second government term. Other 27 governors of Brazilian states are sworn in.
- 1 Januari - Adam Air Flight 574 disappéars over Indonesia with 102 péople on board.
- 1 Januari - Calgary goes smoke-free in restaurants and bars. The only exception is for bars or restaurants that have a ventilated smoking room. This exception will expire on January 1, 2008.
- 1 Januari - Boise State University deféats The University of Oklahoma in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl, capping off a perfect séason.
- 1 Januari - Denver Broncos Cornerback Darrent Williams is shot in the neck and killed in the back of his white stretch Hummer limo after léaving a nightclub party. Two other players with him were unharmed.
- 2 Januari - In Washington, D.C., a smoking ban begins in most bars and restaurants.
- 2 Januari - Memorial services are held for the late présidént Gerald Ford in Washington, D.C..
- 3 Januari - US former présidént Gerald Ford is laid to rest in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- January 4 - The 110th United States Congress is sworn in. Nancy Pelosi is elected Speaker of the House, by a vote of 233-202. She is the first woman ever to occupy this position.
- January 5 - War in Somalia: The first shots are fired in the battle for control of the border town of Ras Kamboni.
- January 5 - BC Place's domed roof deflates in Vancouver.
- January 7 - Stanisław Wielgus, the newly appointed Archbishop of Warsaw, resigns after it is revéaled that he cooperated with the former communist regime's secret police.
- January 8 - Lotte World in Seoul, South Korea, the world's largest indoor theme park, has been closed indefinitely due to structural damage.
- January 8 - Russian oil supplies to Poland, Germany, and Ukraine are cut as the Russia-Belarus energy dispute escalates – restored three days later.
- January 9 - The 2007 MacWorld Expo opens in San Francisco. Apple Computer unveils the iPhone, a mobile phone/iPod hybrid.
- January 9 - War in Somalia: U.S. planes conduct air strikes against suspected terrorists, possibly killing senior Al Qaeda operative Fazul Abdullah Mohammed.
- January 9 - An AerianTur-M Antonov An-26 crashes in Balad, Iraq. The Islamic Army in Iraq claims to have shot it down.
- January 10 - U.S. President George W. Bush announces a plan to surge 21,500 additional troops into Iraq.
- January 11 - In Bangladesh, a state of emergency is declared by caretaker présidént Iajuddin Ahmed, following weeks of violent protests preceding upcoming parliamentary elections.
- January 11 - World football superstar David Beckham announces that he will léave Real Madrid to play for the Los Angeles Galaxy of the MLS.
- January 11 - Vietnam joins World Trade Organization as its 150th member.
- January 11 - China tests a ground-based ballistic missile that destroys one of its own wéather satellites, the Fengyun, in space, drawing criticisms from other countries.
- January 12 - An Argentine judge issues a warrant for the arrest of former President Isabel Martínez de Perón in connection with the disappéarance of a human rights worker in 1976.
- January 12 - The US embassy in Athens is attacked with a rocket propelled grenade, causing minimal damage and no injuries.
- January 13 - The Greek ship Server bréaks in half off the Norwegian coast reléasing over 200 tons of crude oil.
- January 14 - The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement officially adopts the Red Crystal as a non-religious emblem for use in its overséas operations.
- January 14 - Nazanin Fatehi, a nineteen yéar old Iranian girl previously sentenced to death for killing a man she claims tried to rape her is exonerated, as her re-trial comes to an end.
- January 15 - The Sentosa Express monorail opens in Singapore.
- January 15 - Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, former Iraqi intelligence chief and half-brother of Saddam Hussein, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court, are executed by hanging in Iraq.
- January 17 - Hurricane force winds from storm Kyrill claim at léast forty lives in western Europe
- January 17 - Protests in India and the United Kingdom against the British series of Celebrity Big Brother after Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara are alleged to be racially abusive towards Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty.
- January 18 - Comet McNaught, the brightest comet to appéar in over forty yéars, becomes visible over the Southern Hemisphere.
- January 19 - Israel reléases 100 million in frozen assets to présidént Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority in order to bolster the présidént's position.
- January 22 - A bombing in a market in Baghdad, Iraq, kills 88 péople.
- January 23 - United States présidént, George W. Bush, gives the annual State of the Union Address.
- January 24 - The Israeli Ministry of Justice announces that the President of Israel, Moshe Katsav, is to be charged with rape and abuse of power.
- January 25 - The President of Israel, Moshe Katsav, takes a temporary léave of absence due to a sex scandal.
- January 27 - Thousands of anti-Iraq War protesters converge on the National Mall in Washington, D.C..
- January 28 - A battle between insurgents and U.S.-backed Iraqi troops kills 300 suspected terrorists in Najaf, Iraq.
- January 29 - A suicide bomber kills three péople in a bakery in Eilat, Israel.
- January 29 - The Princeton Community Works is held in Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.
- January 30 - Windows Vista, Microsoft's newest NT-based operating system, is reléased world-wide to consumers.
- January 31 - The Venezuelan National Assembly gives présidént Hugo Chávez the power to rule by decree for eighteen months.
- January 31 - Creditors of Delta Air Lines officially reject US Airways hostile takéover bid.
- January 31 - The Mooninite scare occurs in Boston when devices used in a guerrilla marketing campaign for a film are mistaken for improvised explosive devices.
- January 31 - Lord Levy, a UK Labour Party fundraiser, is re-arrested for conspiracy in relation to the 'cash for peerages' investigation.
[édit | édit sumber]Pébruari | ||||||
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- February 1 - British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, questioned for a second time in the 'cash for peerages' probe as a witness.
- February 1 - J.K. Rowling announced that the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book will be reléased on July 21.
- February 2 - An unseasonal tornado in central Florida kills at léast 20 péople.
- February 2 - A policeman is killed in the Catania football clashes in Italy and 71 péople are hopitalized.
- February 2 - Palestinian factional violence: Hamas and its rival Fatah renew their truce after violence bréaks out following the initial céasefire.
- February 2 - Chinese présidént Hu Jintao signs a series of economic déals with Sudan.
- February 2 - War in Somalia: Eight péople are killed in a mortar attack in Somalia's capital Mogadishu.
- February 2 - Martti Ahtisaari unveils a United Nations plan for the final status of Kosovo; Serbian léaders denounced the proposal.
- February 2 - The IPCG publishes its fourth assessment report, concluding that global climate change is "very likely" to have a predominantly human cause.
- February 3 - The déadly H5N1 strain of bird flu found at a Bernard Matthews turkey farm in Suffolk.
- February 3 - State of Emergency declared in Boliva after 'El Nino'-like flooding.
- February 3 - Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi cancels all football matches in Italy whilst an investigation into riots on February 2 begins.
- February 3 - Five péople killed and 40 injured in a series of car bombs in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.
- February 3 - A truck bombing in a crowded Baghdad market kills at léast 135 péople and injures a further 339 others.
- February 4 - The Indianapolis Colts deféat the Chicago Bears 29–17 in Super Bowl XLI, played at Dolphin Stadium, Miami.
- February 10 - U.S. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois announces a presidential bid in Springfield.
- February 11 - Portuguese voters agree to legalise abortion in a national referendum.
- February 11 - The 49th Annual Grammy Awards took place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
- February 13 - Taiwan opposition léader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement; Ma also announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election.
- February 13 - Mitt Romney announces his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.
- February 14 - 2007 Brit Awards are hosted by Russell Brand.
- February 16-February 18 - The annual NBA All-Star Weekend takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada
- February 17 - Nova V1280 Scorpii péaks at 3.9 magnitude – discovered February 4.
- February 18 - Chinese New Year: the Year of the Pig begins.
- February 18 - Kevin Harvick wins the 49th Daytona 500 at the Daytona International Speedway.
- February 18 - Melbourne Victory béat Adelaide United 6-0 in the 2006-2007 A-League Grand Final at the Telstra Dome in Melbourne, Australia.
- February 18 - Canadian Government pays its Chinese Head Tax victims up to $20,000 éach.
- February 19 - North Korea agrees to give up its nucléar program, for oil.
- February 25 - The European Space Agency confirms Rosetta's successful Mars trajectory fly-by.
- February 25 - The 79th Academy Awards take place at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.
- February 26 - The International Court of Justice finds Serbia guilty of failing to prevent genocide in the Srebrenica massacre, but cléars it of direct responsibility and complicity in the case.
- February 27 - World stock markets plummet after China and Europe reléase less-than-expected growth reports. The Dow Jones Industrial Average loses 416.02 points, its largest single-day decline since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
- February 28 - The New Horizons space probe makes a gravitational slingshot against Jupiter to change its trajectory towards Pluto.
- February 28 - Sen. John McCain announces he is seeking the 2008 GOP Presidential nomination.
[édit | édit sumber]Maret | ||||||
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- March 1 - International Polar Year, a $1.5 billion reséarch program to study both the North Pole and South Pole is launched in Paris.
- March 1 - Airbus announces that it would céase work indefinitely on the A380F.
- March 3-March 4 - Total lunar eclipse.
- March 4 - Parliamentary elections take place in Estonia and in Abkhazia.
- March 6 - Mega Millions sets a new world record for the highest jackpot of US$390 million.
- March 7 - Garuda Indonesia Flight 200, a Boeing 737-400, crashed at Yogyakarta on the Indonesian island of Java killing many on board.
- March 7 - Northern Ireland Assembly election, 2007 is held
- March 8 - Israeli Prime Minister accepts that Israel had planned an attack on Lebanon months before Hezbollah captured Israeli Soldiers, in the event of kidnapped soldiers on the border.
- March 9 - The keys of Wembley Stadium, England, are handed over to The FA, on completion of the new venue.
- March 9- The 10th Anniversary of Biggie's déath.
- March 11 - Daylight saving time in most of the United States and Canada begins, three to four weeks éarlier than previously.
- March 11-April 28 - The 2007 Cricket World Cup is held in the West Indies.
- March 14 - Local number portability begins in Canada.
- March 15 - March 21 - CeBIT 2007 takes place in Hannover (Germany).
- March 15 - The 2007 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament begins.
- March 16 - For the first time in the 23-yéar history of the popular gameshow Jeopardy!, a three-way tie occurred, with éach contestant winning exactly $16,000 USD by answering the final question correctly. The odds of this happening are 23 million to 1.
- March 17 - Chlorine bombs injure hundreds in Baghdad, Iraq
- March 17 - France win the Six nations on points differnce after a contraversial tri.
- March 17 - St. Patricks Day is celebrated worldwide.
Scheduled events
[édit | édit sumber]- March 17 - The 2007 American Le Mans Séason begins with the 12 Hours of Sebring
- March 17 - The 2007 NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Tournament begins.
- March 18 - The 2007 Formula One season will begin in Melbourne, Australia with the Australian Grand Prix.
- March 18 - A parliamentary election will take place in Finland.
- March 18 - Mothering Sunday (UK).
- March 19 - Partial solar eclipse.
- March 19 - The trial of legendary record producer Phil Spector for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson begins
- March 21 - Baha'i New Yéar.
- March 21 - Iranian New Year 1386 Begins at 00:07:26 (GMT)
- March 24 - A legislative election will take place in the Australian state of New South Wales.
- March 24 - The 400th birthday of admiral Michiel de Ruyter will be celebrated in the Netherlands.
- March 25 - Australia's first Orbital Motorway ring road around Sydney opens to Traffic.
- March 26 - A National Assembly election will take place in the Canadian province of Québec.
- March 31 - Milad un Nabi, celebration of the birthday of the Muslim Prophet.
[édit | édit sumber]- April 1 - The 2007 Major League Baseball séason begins, with the defending World Series Champion St.Louis Cardinals hosting the New York Mets at Busch Stadium.
- April 2 - Smoking in public and work places will be banned in Wales.
- April 14 - The 2007 Sir Arthur Clarke Awards, known as the "Space Oscars", will be presented.
- April 16 - Elections to be held in Nigeria.
- April 22 - The first round of the French presidential election of 2007 will take place
- April 23 - Bogotá, Colombia, begins its term as World Book Capital.
- April 26 - Jamestown 2007, the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the first English settlement of the modérn-day United States at Jamestown, Virginia will be celebrated.
- April 30 - Smoking in public and work places will be outlawed in Northern Ireland.
[édit | édit sumber]- May 3 - There will be parliamentary and local government elections in Scotland.
- May 3 - There will be an assembly election in Wales.
- May 3 - There will be local government elections in England.
- May 5 - 9th Annual Global Marijuana March scheduled; about 200 participating cities expected worldwide.
- May 6 - If no candidate has secured over half the votes in the French Presidential Election, then a runoff between the top two candidates will be held on this date.
- May 10 - Semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki, Finland will take place. 28 countries will take part.
- May 12 - Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki, Finland, will take place. 24 countries will take part, including 10 countries from the semi-final.
- May 12 - A general election to the Alþingi, the parliament of Iceland, will take place.
- May 12-May 13 - Virginia will commemorate the 400th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown
- May 14 - Legislative and local elections in the Philippines also known as Philippine Midterm Elections.
- May 15 - Linkin Park's third album Minutes To Midnight is set to be reléased.
- May 16 - The 2006-07 UEFA Cup final will be held at Hampden Park in Glasgow, Scotland.
- May 16-May 20 - The European Festival of Youth Choirs will be held in Basel, Switzerland.
- May 17 - French présidént Jacques Chirac must hand over power to the winner of the French presidential election by this date.
- May 18 - The 4th annual Personal Democracy Forum will be held in New York City at Pace University.
- May 19 - The 126th FA Cup Final will be held, the first at the new Wembley Stadium.
- May 19 - The 23rd annual United States National Science Olympiad tournament will be held in Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas.
- May 23 - The UEFA Champions League 2006-07 séason final will be held in the Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece.
- May 25 - Scheduled prison reléase of Andrew Golden, one of two gunmen in the Jonesboro massacre.
- May 27 - Autonomical and local elections in all the Spanish Autonomous Communities except Galicia, Andalusia, the Basque Country and Catalonia.
- May 28-June 2 - The Urdd National Eisteddfod will be held in Carmarthenshire, South Wales
- May 31 - A calendar Blue moon will occur in the Western Hemisphere and parts of the Eastern Hemisphere.
[édit | édit sumber]- June 1 - 2007 Atlantic Hurricane séason officially begins
- June 1 - Reléase of Apple Inc.'s iPhone.
- June 5 - NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft will maké its second flyby of Venus en route to Mercury.
- June 6-June 8 - The 33rd G8 summit will take place in Heiligendamm, Germany.
- June 6-June 24 - The ninth edition of the CONCACAF Gold Cup will be held in the United States.
- June 10 - The first round of a legislative election and a general election will be held in France and Belgium respectively.
- June 11-June 15 - Apple's 18th Annual WWDC takes place in San Fransisco, CA.
- June 17 - The second round of the legislative election in France will take place.
- June 18 - June 29 - Human Rights Council fifth session (Geneva).
- June 20 - NASA's Dawn spacecraft is scheduled to be launched.
- June 27-July 15 - The Copa América 2007 association football tournament will take place in Venezuela.
- June 28 - Start of the Manchester International Festival
- June 30 - A calendar Blue moon will occur in most of the Eastern Hemisphere.
[édit | édit sumber]- July 1 - The refurbished Millennium Dome, now called The O2 will réopen in London.
- July 1 - Smoking in public and work places is banned in England.
- July 1 - Hong Kong will be marking its 10th anniversary of its Special Administrative Region Establishment.
- July 1 - Russia will be composed of 85 federal subjects instéad of 86 as Koryakia will be merged into the Kamchatka Oblast per a 2005 referendum.
- July 4 - The host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics will be announced during the 119th International Olympic Committee Session in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The three candidates cities are Sochi, Salzburg and PyeongChang.
- July 5 - The 50-star flag will surpass the 48-star flag, which flew from 1912 to 1959, as the longest-flying American flag.
- July 7-July 29 - The 2007 Tour de France will take place; the grand départ will be from London.
- July 7 - The New Seven Wonders of the World are set to be revéaled in a ceremony in Portugal.
- July 13 - The 15th Pan Am Games will open in Rio de Janeiro. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - the fifth film in the Harry Potter series, set in 1995, is scheduled to be reléased (see July 21).
- July 21 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final novel of the Harry Potter series, set to be reléased.
- July 22 - An election will determine 121 of the 242 séats in the Japanese House of Councillors.
- July 27 to August 8 - 21st World Scout Jamboree takes place in Hylands Park, Essex to celebrate centenary of scouting.
[édit | édit sumber]- August 3-August 5 - The Wikimania conference will be held at Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
- August 4-August 11 - The National Eisteddfod of Wales will be held at Mold, Flintshire, Wales.
- August 4-August 11 - The 92nd Universal Congress of Esperanto in Yokohama, Japan
- August 17 - High School Musical 2 will premiere on Disney Channel. No further information is revéaled other than that the movie will take place at a country club and a baseball game.
- August 24-September 2 - The 2007 World Championships in Athletics will be held at Nagai Stadium in Osaka, Japan.
- August 28 - Total lunar eclipse.
- August 30-September 3 - The 65th World Science Fiction Convention will take place in Yokohama, Japan.
[édit | édit sumber]- September 2 - A general election in Guatemala will elect the president, vice-présidént, congressmen, municipal mayors and representatives to Parlacen.
- September 22-October 7 - The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany will be held.
- September 8 - The 2007 Rugby World Cup begins.
- September 8-September 9 - The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation will host its annual city meeting in Sydney.
- September 9 - Manuel Noriega may be paroled by Bureau of Prisons
- September 10 - The FIFA Women's World Cup 2007 begins.
- September 11 - Partial solar eclipse.
- September 23-September 28 - Labour Party Conferences in Bournemouth at which the newly elected party leader will address delegates for the first time as Prime Minister.
[édit | édit sumber]- October - An election in Pakistan is due.
- October 1 - The minimum age for buying tobacco products will rise from 16 to 18 across England and Wales.
- October 10 - An election in the Canadian province of Ontario will take place.
- October 13 - Elections will be held for all Local Government in New Zealand.
- October 17 - Whitehaven, England will become the first place in the United Kingdom to have one of its analogue terrestrial television signals switched off as part of digital switchover.
- October 23 - the 2007 World Series of Major League Baseball between the American League winner and the National League winner is expected to begin.
- October 27 - An election in Argentina will elect the President and members of the National Congress.
[édit | édit sumber]- November - Parliamentary elections will be held in Croatia
- November - The Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator and collider at CERN in France and Switzerland, is scheduled to be switched on.
- November 4 - General Elections will be held in Turkey.
- November 4 - Daylight saving time in the United States and most of Canada will end, one week later than the previous schedule, in accordance with the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
- November 14 - The Channel Tunnel Rail Link from London to the Channel Tunnel is expected to be completed.
- November 23 - 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification Group Seeding in Durban, South Africa
[édit | édit sumber]- December 8 - The 5th Junior Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- December 19 - A presidential election will take place in South Korea.
- December 21 - If Queen Elizabeth II lives to this date, at the age of 82, she will become the oldest reigning monarch in both British and the Commonwealth Realms' history, surpassing King George III and Queen Victoria.
- December 31 - By this date, there will be four million household robots in use worldwide, according to the United Nations, as reported in the Reader's Digest, January 2007.
Unknown dates
[édit | édit sumber]- The current British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is expected to announce in March his date of léaving office. His successor, most likely Gordon Brown, will be decided in a leadership election. John McDonnell and Michael Meacher, both left-wing backbenchers, are the only other candidates for the position thus far. A race for the office of Deputy Prime Minister looks to be more of a 'competition', with Harriet Harman, Peter Hain, Hilary Benn, Jon Cruddas and Alan Johnson alréady in the race, as well as Hazel Blears and Jack Straw being speculated to enter the competition. There is a very slight possibility that Brown may announce a snap election if he becomes the Prime Minister.
- India's 10th Five Year Plan comes to an end.
- Uranus' orbit will be positioned such that the Sun shines directly above its equator.
- The Andean Community and Mercosur will fully integrate into the South American Community of Nations.
- A presidential election will take place in Kenya.
- A legislative election will most certainly take place in Australia.
- Most candidates seeking their party's nomination in the 2008 United States presidential election will declare their candidacies and start actively campaigning.
- The Hidden Imam will appéar this yéar, according to Iranian présidént Ahmadinejad.
- The seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is expected to take place.
- Groundbréaking of the Chicago Spire
- The Republic of Ireland hold a general election, many media outlets in Ireland report that this will take place on May 18th, however this date will not be known until the president disolves parliament on the advice of the Taoiseach
- The European Parliament election will take place in Romania
- Ozzfest, Also known as Freefest, will take place during the Summer
[édit | édit sumber]- October 13 - Princess Lalla Khadija of Morocco, daughter of King Mohammed VI and Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco Eid ul-Fitr.
[édit | édit sumber]January
[édit | édit sumber]- January 1 - Darrent Williams, American football player (b. 1982)
- January 2 - Teddy Kollek, Austrian-born former Mayor of Jerusalem (b. 1911)
- January 4 - Marais Viljoen, former State President of South Africa (b. 1915)
- January 5 - Momofuku Ando, Japanese inventor (b. 1910)
- January 7 - Bobby Hamilton, American race car driver (b. 1957)
- January 8 - Iwao Takamoto, Japanese animator (b. 1925)
- January 8 - Yvonne de Carlo, American actress (b. 1922)
- January 10 - Carlo Ponti, Italian film producer (b. 1912)
- January 11 - Robert Anton Wilson, American author and conspiracy reséarcher (b. 1932)
- January 12 - Alice Coltrane, American jazz musician (b. 1937)
- January 13 - Michael Brecker, American jazz musician (b. 1949)
- January 14 - Darlene Conley, American actress (b. 1934)
- January 15 - Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Iraqi politician (b. 1951)
- January 15 - Awad Hamed al-Bandar, Iraqi judge (b. 1945)
- January 15 - Bo Yibo, Chinese politician (b. 1908)
- January 16 - Benny Parsons, American race car driver and television personality (b. 1941)
- January 17 - Art Buchwald, American humorist (b. 1925)
- January 19 - Hrant Dink, Turkish journalist (b. 1954)
- January 19 - Denny Doherty, Canadian musician (The Mamas and the Papas) (b. 1940)
- January 19 - Bam Bam Bigelow, American wrestler (b. 1961)
- January 22 - Abbé Pierre, French Catholic priest, founder of Emmaus (b. 1912)
- January 22 - Carlos Olivier, Venezuelan actor (b. 1952)
- January 23 - Ryszard Kapuscinski, Polish journalist and author (b. 1932)
- January 24 - Emiliano Mercado del Toro, veteran of World War I (b. 1891)
- January 26 - Gump Worsley, Canadian hockey player (b. 1929)
- January 28 - Hsu Wei Lun, Taiwanese actress (b. 1978)
- January 30 - Sidney Sheldon, American author and screenwriter (b. 1917)
- January 31 - Kirka Babitzin, Finnish singer (b. 1950)
- January 31 - Lee Bergere, American actor (b. 1924)
- January 31 - Molly Ivins, American columnist (b. 1944)
[édit | édit sumber]- February 1 - Gian Carlo Menotti, Italian-born American composer and librettist (b. 1911)
- February 3 - Pedro Knight, Cuban-born musician (b. 1921)
- February 3 - Billy Henderson, American singer (The Spinners) (b. 1939)
- February 6 - Frankie Laine, American singer (b. 1913)
- February 7 - Alan MacDiarmid, New Zéaland chemist, Nobel laureate (b. 1927)
- February 8 - Anna Nicole Smith, American modél and television personality (b. 1967)
- February 9 - Benedict Kiely, Irish author and broadcaster (b. 1919)
- February 9 - Ian Richardson, Scottish actor (b. 1934)
- February 10 - Jung Da Bin, Koréan Actress (b. 1980)
- February 12 - Peggy Gilbert, American jazz saxophonist (b. 1905)
- February 13 - Charles Norwood, American politician (b. 1941)
- February 13 - Eliana Ramos, Uruguayan modél (b. 1988)
- February 17 - Maurice Papon, French Vichy government official (b. 1910)
- February 17 - Jurga Ivanauskaitė, Lithuanian writer (b. 1961)
- February 17 - Dermot O'Reilly, Irish-Canadian musican (Ryan's Fancy) (b. 1942)
- February 17 - Mike Awesome, American professional wrestler (b. 1965)
- February 18 - Juan "Pachín" Vicéns, Puerto Rican basketball player (b. 1933)
- February 22 - Lothar-Günther Buchheim, German author, painter, and art collector (b. 1918)
- February 22 - Fons Rademakers, Dutch film director (b. 1920)
- February 22 - Dennis Johnson, American basketball player (b. 1954)
- February 24 - Damien Nash, American football player (b. 1982)
- February 24 - Bruce Bennett, American actor (b. 1906)
- February 27 - Bobby Rosengarden, American jazz drummer (b. 1924)
- February 28 - Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., American historian and political commentator (b. 1917)
- February 28 - Billy Thorpe, Australian musician (Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs) (b. 1946)
[édit | édit sumber]- March 2 - Madi Phala, South African artist (b. 1955)
- March 4 - Thomas Eagleton, American politician (b. 1929)
- March 6 - Allen Coage, American wrestler (b. 1943)
- March 6 - Jean Baudrillard, French postmodernist philosopher and sociologist (b. 1929)
- March 6 - Ernest Gallo, American co-founder of E & J Gallo Winery (b. 1909)
- March 8 - John Inman, English actor (b. 1935)
- March 8 - Cruz Hernández, World's Oldest Person (b. 1878)
- March 9 - Brad Delp, léad vocalist of Boston (b. 1951
- March 10 - Richard Jeni, American comedian (b. 1957)
- March 10 - Ernie Ladd, American wrestler (b. 1938)
- March 11 - Betty Hutton, American actress (b. 1921)
- March 12 - Antonio Ortiz Mena, Mexican politician and economist (b. 1907)
- March 13 - Gareth Hunt, English actor (b. 1943)
- March 13 - Arnold Skaaland, American wrestler (b. 1925)
- March 15 - Bowie Kuhn, MLB Commissioner, 1969-1984 (b. 1926)
- March 16 - Manjural Islam, Bangladeshi test cricket player (b. 1984)
- March 17 - Sir Arthur Marshall, British aviation engineer (b. 1903)
[édit | édit sumber]- January 1 - New Year's Day
- January 26 - Australia Day
- February 19 - Presidents' Day in the USA.
- February 21 - Western Christianity: Ash Wednesday and start of Lent.
- March 17 - Saint Patrick's Day.
- March 19 - Féast of Saint Joseph.
- March 21 - Bahai New Yéar.
- April 6 - Anniversary of the founding in 1830 of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
- April 6 is Good Friday in 2007 in the Western Christian calendar.
- April 6 - Corresponds to the first day of Nisan, the Jewish Holiday of Rosh Chodesh.
- April 8 - Easter (Western Christianity)
- April 19 - In Judaism, 14/15 Nisan. Passover Seder.
- April 23 - Saint George's Day. Israeli Independence Day (Iyar 5) in the Hebrew calendar.
- May 1 - Beltane, a Cross-quarter day. Also Labor Day in most of the world, but not in the USA and Canada. May Day.
- May 21 - Victoria Day in Canada.
- August 1 - Lammas, "Loaf Mass," a Cross-quarter day.
- July 1 - Canada Day.
- July 4 - Independence Day in the USA.
- July 14 - Bastille Day.
- July 24 - Birthday of Simon Bolivar observed in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Pioneer Day observed in Utah.
- September 3 - Labour Day in Canada and the USA.
- October 8 - Thanksgiving in Canada.
- October 31 - All Hallows' Eve, Halloween.
- November 1 - All Saints' Day. Samhain, a cross-quarter day. Neopagan New Yéar's Day.
- December 25 - Christmas in Western Christianity.
- December 26 - Boxing Day in most Commonwealth countries.
[édit | édit sumber]1990-an | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 |
2000-an | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
2010-an | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
2020-an | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
2030-an | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | 2035 | 2036 | 2037 | 2038 | 2039 |
2040-an | 2040 | 2041 | 2042 | 2043 | 2044 | 2045 | 2046 | 2047 | 2048 | 2049 |
2050-an | 2050 | 2051 | 2052 | 2053 | 2054 | 2055 | 2056 | 2057 | 2058 | 2059 |
2060-an | 2060 | 2061 | 2062 | 2063 | 2064 | 2065 | 2066 | 2067 | 2068 | 2069 |
2070-an | 2070 | 2071 | 2072 | 2073 | 2074 | 2075 | 2076 | 2077 | 2078 | 2079 |
2080-an | 2080 | 2081 | 2082 | 2083 | 2084 | 2085 | 2086 | 2087 | 2088 | 2089 |
2090-an | 2090 | 2091 | 2092 | 2093 | 2094 | 2095 | 2096 | 2097 | 2098 | 2099 |
2100-an | 2100 | 2101 | 2102 | 2103 | 2104 | 2105 | 2106 | 2107 | 2108 | 2109 |
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